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Comments 83

nippon_ga_yo January 7 2011, 17:30:50 UTC
Japan was sweeping his front yard when Red appeared on the street, wearing all too familiar American airforce jacket. He blinked at the odd sight before quietly making his way to his look alike.

It could have been his imagination, but the boy looked ... sad somehow.

"Red-kun?" he called out cautiously.


pristinestar January 8 2011, 09:04:10 UTC
Red stopped when he heard someone call for him, so he paused in his steps and glanced towards where the voice came from... Only to find himself at the neighboorhood near his house again, and Japan was right there...

He made a faint smile to greet his look-alike for a moment, then walked closer to stand by the house gates.

"... Hello," he said, the obvious blur present in his eyes.


nippon_ga_yo January 10 2011, 17:31:18 UTC
... There was something off about Red today, and it was not America's jacket over his shoulders. He was smiling, but there was something unmistakeably sad in his eyes. A gleam of despair, if one can call it that.

Japan gazed at him momentarily before responding. His voice was soft but careful. "Are you out for a walk like always?"


pristinestar January 12 2011, 15:20:30 UTC
Red nodded to that. He really did want a walk to set his mind free a little. It wouldn't be able to wander if he stayed in the house. He'll just make himself sadder by seeing the sight of his comatosed best friend. He'll come back when he's ready...

For now, Red's strength was still weak and... just as he was about to explain the situation to Japan, a sudden gush of tears left his eyes. He really didn't mean for that to happen, so he lowered his head - in order to hide his eyes under his cap.



colorme_in January 7 2011, 18:03:40 UTC
She walked up to him slowly. These tears- how she was wishing she had a heart to understand them! But even she knew that tears meant sadness.Red was sad.

"R-Red...?" She said timidly, placing a hand on his shoulder. For some reason, she felt a pang of what might have been worry in her chest. "Are you okay?"


pristinestar January 8 2011, 13:02:01 UTC
When Red felt that meek hand on his shoulder, he felt his eyes raise slightly. In silence, he turned his head to look at the person beside him now. When he could make the features of Namine's face, he smiled at her tearfully.

"I'm..." he replied slowly, "-Yeah. I'll be okay. I'm sorry..."

He just felt the need to let out some things that he's been holding for too long.


aimforthesun January 7 2011, 20:48:13 UTC
[... He's crying. There's a lot of things Billy doesn't know how to deal with, and crying people is one of them.

Still... Red's been nice enough to him, and he's been in a sentimental mood lately, so he slowly approaches him.]

Hey, um... you okay?


pristinestar January 8 2011, 13:06:38 UTC
[Red couldn't recognize the voice immediately, simply because his mind was still drifting in his current state. But he heard them and as he cried quietly to himself, he lifted a hand to wipe his face and then nodded to reply to Billy.]

... Alfred went home.


aimforthesun January 8 2011, 16:27:06 UTC
[That... hadn't been what he expected to hear. His eyes widen.]



pristinestar January 8 2011, 16:42:44 UTC
Alfred... [he kept his eyes closed as more fell against his cheeks.]

When I woke up, this jacket was on top of me. I went to his room to give it back, but he's not there anymore.

I looked for him, then checked the network... His name isn't listed anymore.


homewooork January 7 2011, 23:54:30 UTC
She didn't know this boy that well, but to Olette, meeting a person once automatically made them friends-- whether the other person felt so or not, and of course there were some special cases, but he'd seemed nice enough and seeing him succumb to whatever was troubling him was enough to splinter her heart a little.

So it was that Red was joined by a girl who crouched beside him. She made no motions to touch him, only studied him with concern apparent in bright green eyes before she spoke up.

"Hey... you want some hot chocolate?"

When in doubt, offer food.


pristinestar January 8 2011, 15:29:11 UTC
Red was faintly startled by the sudden question. After he glanced to his side, he saw this familiar girl. They haven't talked that long, but the time they had together was still something Red will always remember. It was nice to meet more people, especially if they were thoughtful.

He felt a bit embarrassed that a girl he didn't know much saw him this way, however. It was enough to make him blush a bit and lower his head slightly. A hand moved up to his eyes and started rubbing them to rid of some droplets, but they kept coming softly.

"I'm sorry..." Red apologized first, not meaning her to see him like this. But after thinking over her question, that does sound good right now. Maybe if he swallowed enough hot drinks, he'd be able to calm down easier.

"And I can appreciate that," he added afterwards, and then tried to pull off a small smile.


homewooork January 10 2011, 08:43:42 UTC
Olette shook her head to his first response. She could never really understand why people apologized for crying. It was just a natural reaction to being sad, wasn't it? Except, having boys for best friends, the times they cried were rare enough.

"Come on," she said softly, straightening up and offering him a hand up while the other rummaged in a pocket for an orange handkerchief. "That sort of thing always cheers me up."


pristinestar January 10 2011, 14:51:37 UTC
Red watched Olette offer her hand to him as well as that handkerchief. A part of him felt warmer already. She's such a nice person, indeed thoughtful. He tried to keep his smile and then gratefully nodded as he took the offered item. He had enough fight in him to stand on his own, though.

After his taller height had towered her, he eyed a little to the side as another type of blush crossed his face. It really is embarrassing for a growing boy to be seen by a girl... well, crying! However, Red managed a more comfortable look after he wiped his eyes a bit.



sweeperesque January 8 2011, 02:58:36 UTC
[Saya never really knew that feeling.

You know the one. Where someone leaves and you can't seem to do anything but mourn the loss, and... seemingly the feeling that Red was experiencing at this moment. It wasn't something that she was familiar with at all.

But that didn't mean she'd let Red go through it by himself. So it should come as no surprise as she kneels down by him and tosses an arm around his shoulders.]

For a mood like this, I think... ice cream would be appropriate.


pristinestar January 8 2011, 15:54:42 UTC
[he was caught at a bad time when he lifted his face to turn at Saya, slightly too many drops left his eyes as he watched her in faint surprise. he brought his head down faintly because of that and wiped them off, relifting it when it was a bit better.

her arm, though... it was comforting him. he realized just now that he'll miss that feeling. Alfred used to do that all the time. he smiled a little, a mix of pain and happiness. it's good that he's not alone, but he'll definitely miss Alfred...]



L-LATE sweeperesque January 10 2011, 04:07:58 UTC
[She just gives him a smile and her other hand comes around to give him a hug.]

Yeah, I'm here. You toughing it out okay?


Don't worry, I'm pretty slow myself. ;; pristinestar January 10 2011, 14:55:27 UTC
Sorry... And, yes. I'll be okay. Thank you.

[no matter if he did shed a thousand tears, this is Red after all - the same optimistic face that this place had known. he had no intention to change, but everyone needs to let things out every now and then.

to assure Saya, he returned the embrace and gave out a tiny smile. it was rather weak, but you can definitely see the same determination through them. a part of that look was thankful as well, he was so glad that he still has Saya and the others.]

... Isn't it too cold for ice cream, though? [he added in a small joke soon enough, then laughed meekly.]


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