The Prodical Son

Dec 31, 2010 18:56

Characters: bequeathal & vatheon
Location: The Park
Time: early morning
Style: Any~
Status: Open.

He Returns )

rena ryuugu, alucard (castlevania), riku, kazutaka muraki, alucard (hellsing), akechi mitsuhide, kagome higurashi, integra fairbrook wingates hellsing

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Comments 116

eatingwings December 31 2010, 20:10:04 UTC
[ Alucard had wept when Adrian left. He had wet tears of blood and cursed the Lord for taking his beloved child. He stalked the night and in the early morning hours when the sun did not dare to peeketh through the dark fabric of night, he across the sleeping Adrian in the park.

Overwhelmed, Alucard dropped to his knees and wrapped his long arms around his son. The time, how it changed Adrian. His hair as black as midnight, the boy was the spitting image of himself. The No Life King kissed his prince's face with tender, loving kisses. He stroked his hair and his soft cheek. He whispered loving Romanian syllables unto him. And he wept tears of blood for his child. ]

Adrian... My precious child...


bequeathal January 1 2011, 14:31:07 UTC
[ It had been such a peaceful slumber, a dreamless sleep, one Adrian had become acquainted with in the years passed. It had been easier to sleep and dream of nothing, than to let his heart fill his dreams with things he could never feel again. Adrian had become so reside to the fact that he would never feel that same love he had had in Vatheon that some part of him had broken because of it.

In his sleep he felt himself saturated with a terrible, beautiful and familiar scent. It brought forth euphoric memories and made the small, black, kernel of a heart that resounded in his chest skip a beat or two.

Adrian slowly began to regain consciousness and still wrapped in the deadly blanket of sleep his familiar golden eyes gazed upon Alucard's weeping visage.

He must have died at lastTo be held in that loving embrace once more before he was to be damned to Hell, to allow himself to see a glimpse of what was his Heaven before burning ( ... )


eatingwings January 1 2011, 17:52:12 UTC
I am crying because they took you away from me. They dared to touch you and rip you away from my arms.

Never again will they touch you, my precious boy.

[ The vampire kissed his son on the lips, holding him close. He kissed Adrian with such passion and love. He bit his own tongue, letting his blood spilling into his boy's mouth. Adrian was his pride and joy. Adrian was the No Life King's prince. He didn't let anyone touch Adrian. Not even that pedophile doctor.

He held his son so close and so tightly. He loved his favorite child. He beloved and favorite child. Ever. ]


bequeathal January 1 2011, 18:04:11 UTC
[ Adrian moved to speak, to utter another soft word or two, but he was captured in that kiss, engulfed in its raw and debilitating passion. Knowing that his Father could hear his thoughts, and unashamed to speak them in his mind, he let the words he had wished to speak be whispered softly in his mind instead.

I am so sorry that I left you, I thought of you so often. I... was so afraid I had dreamt of you, that I had made you out of my own desires.

Adrian began to swallow that sweet, familiar blood in their forbidden kiss and he shuddered with a terrible delight, one that had gone unfulfilled for years.

I... never wished to leave you. ]


cleaver_bitch December 31 2010, 21:50:34 UTC
Rena hadn't been expecting to see someone asleep on a park bench, but then again, it was very early in the morning. She usually wasn't even awake this early unless she had school.

At first, it looked like Mitsuhide-san, but upon closer inspection, the young man had shorter hair and was wearing more modern clothing than Mitsuhide-san did. It wasn't him, either, although he'd worn black too - her head tilted curiously, Rena looked over the sleeping man.


bequeathal January 1 2011, 14:48:01 UTC
The presence of another stirred Adrian and as tempting as it might have been to roll over and fall back into an even deeper sleep, he did not. His tired eyes opened, revealing those somber golden orbs. This place felt so familiar, so dreadfully familiar, and yet the years away he had spent from Vatheon meant he couldn't quite place this park.

Slowly, Adrian moved to sit up. There was something very vulnerable about him here, he looked lost and the words did not come to speak.


cleaver_bitch January 1 2011, 16:49:31 UTC
Immediately, Rena took one of his hands to help him sit up. "Are you all right? Are you?"


bequeathal January 1 2011, 18:06:45 UTC
Stunned at first by the girl's courage to approach him, let alone touch him, Adrian sat up somewhat wide-eyed. It took him some time to conjure an response "Ah... yes, perhaps just a little confused..."


wavesoakedlegs December 31 2010, 23:15:53 UTC
Mitsuhide is in a good mood when he walks through the park, and it's obvious; he is humming slightly and not really paying much attention to his surroundings. Such moods strike him rarely, and he is enjoying it. Vatheon is peaceful this early in the morning, after all, and the serenity of it all almost wraps around him as he walks ( ... )


bequeathal January 1 2011, 14:56:04 UTC
Adrian slept on as if undisturbed by the familiar voice, but as Mitsuhide took a step closer something seemed to gather at the corner of his eye. A small, dark bead of liquid, a small jewel of blood like a cursed human tear. It formed into a perfect sphere before rolling down Adrian's perfect, white cheek and gently landing with a soft tap on the wooden bench.

No, he thought in his slumber it is too cruel for his mind to lace his dreams with familiar voices of friends and loved ones. It cannot be real.

And as if caught in a terrible nightmare, reaching out for someone, something to reassure him and hold him in this darkness, Adrian's palm grasped Mitsuhide's wrist and held it firmly. His eyes still shut, he still seemed more than half asleep.


wavesoakedlegs January 1 2011, 18:26:43 UTC
Mitsuhide's eyes opened wide for a moment. That action pretty much made his choice for him, didn't it? He stared at the bloody trail, shook his head and thought for a moment.

That was suffering alright, clear as day. He was a tad unnerved, but concern put that feeling aside very quickly. The other soul didn't want him to leave, that was clear enough, and he would not abandon him.

"Adrian," he said, voice louder and reassuring this time. "My friend, you need to wake up. This sleep is clearly doing you no good."

He kneeled down next to the bench, wrist still firmly grasped by Adrian.

"Open your eyes. It's Mitsuhide."


bequeathal January 1 2011, 19:30:00 UTC
Adrian awoke with a gasp, eyes wide, stunned until he recognised the face in front of him to be one of a dear friend. Realising that he was clenching the young man's wrist quite firmly at this point he loosened his grip and shifted to sit up, unaware that his blood tears had stained his porcelain-white face.

"Mitsuhide..." Adrian's golden eyes drank in the sight of the park he was once so fond of, of the glass sky and the pale foliage. "I... I've come back."


limitless_land January 1 2011, 00:02:15 UTC
It had only been a few days since that scent had vanished from the fishbowl, but as Riku walked... it made him stop in his tracks once more. Weakened once more by battle, he was a little weary of it. Was his senses playing a trick on him, or was the man before him truly...

A faint smile crossed his lips. No, his nose would not lie about something such as this.

"Time may pass and appearances might change, but like the heart our scents remain the same." Riku's smile was as genuine as the gold locket around his neck as he wrapped his arms around the other halfling. "Good to see you again, Adrian."


bequeathal January 1 2011, 15:10:04 UTC
Adrian stirred as he felt warm, strong arms curl around him. What a comforting feeling, it felt like the long lost embrace of everyone he had ever loved, cradling him in the dark. He breathed in deeply, exhaling his cool breath slowly. His whole body seemed stiff, as if he had been slumbering for hundreds of years before this moment.

A familiar voice echoing in his ears as his dark eyes began to open.

That was his name the dark was calling to him, he knew that voice, it had brought him much joy, speaking with it.

The suddenly, like a revelation, he knew who that voice belonged to and he gasped quietly.


limitless_land January 1 2011, 20:12:44 UTC
Riku smirked faintly, pulling away slightly to look into Adrian's eyes. The change in appearance was like day to night, but he knew that gasp. It had only been a few days for him, but judging by Adrian's attire...

His eyes seemed to light up in the darkness.

"Time's a fickle thing in this bubble. How've you been, my friend?"

Like he'd admit that he had she a tear when he realized Adrian's name disappeared from the SFC listing.


bequeathal January 2 2011, 14:31:00 UTC
Adrian smiled gently; a forlorn and distant smile, but a caring one nonetheless. He had missed Riku, the strange boy who longed to exist in the light, but was constantly magnetized to the darkness.

"For me, many years have passed since my absence, but you look no older than you did the last time I saw you... And I feel myself an old man in a young body, yet, when I look at this place it seems like a single day hasn't passed."


bastaaaaaards January 1 2011, 00:08:33 UTC
Integra had been casually strolling through the park, a lit cigar in her hand, when she came upon the 'stranger' laying on the bench. He was a handsome young man, and she hadn't seen him around... still, there was something slightly familiar about him.

With a sigh, she finished off her delicious cancer stick and snuffed it out on the grass, moving to place a gentle, gloved hand on the young man's shoulder.

"Excuse me, but you really shouldn't be sleeping here, young sir."


threadjacking~ eatingwings January 1 2011, 00:15:07 UTC
Alucard had his arms around how beloved child when Integra came around. For the first time, he snapped at her like an enraged dog. His vermilion eyes glowed. His cheeks were wet and stained with bloody tears. He held Adrian so tightly, so closely. He was a protective father to his most loved and favorite child. He growled, his voice disjointed and demonic.

"Have some respect for my child, Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing."


<3333 LOL FAIL bastaaaaaards January 1 2011, 00:23:08 UTC
Integra did not back off like a sane normal person would have at such a response. Instead, her eyes merely narrowed slightly behind the frames of her glasses, and she pulled yet another cigar from her breast pocket.

"You will show me respect as well, Servant. I will not tolerate being treated as such." Without another word, she lit up her cigar, politely blowing the smoke in the opposite direction of the duo.

"...That's Adrian, then? I didn't recognize him."


Alucard growled in submission. His head lowered as he pressed his nose against Adrian's cheek. His fingers touched Adrian's lips before he softly kissed him. His shoulders shook as he wept and held Adrian.

"He is the spitting image or myself. My precious child. My precious prince."


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