♫ ❝first prophecy❞ → open log

Dec 01, 2010 15:25

Characters: letsgoonmyouji and Vatheon
Location: Main Plaza
When: Morning
Style: Any - I'll be starting with action, but I'll shift to whatever is most comfortable.
Status: Open like Rao's kimono.

A foresee a deep, wet adventure! [A rather eccentrically-dressed man is seen with his fingers splayed out in front of him in an odd gesture. He seems to be sparkling faintly ( Read more... )

amaterasu, tao master ushiwaka, esther blanchett, alice (pandora hearts), enjin hiizumi

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esthydear December 1 2010, 22:25:33 UTC
[Esther had decided to go out and get some fresh air. She had been kept up in her apartment for quite some time due to her fall sickness and other depressing happenings. But she was feeling much better now.

It would have been quite difficult not to notice the strange man waving his arms about while soaking wet in the middle of the plaza. It didn't take but a split second for her to realize he was new and that he would be in need of some help. So she gracefully made her way over to him.]

Excuse me, sir? Are you in need of some assistance?


esthydear December 2 2010, 06:58:01 UTC
[Have a nun staring hypocritically back at you.]

God's gift to man huh? This is the first I've heard of it. I am Sister Esther Blanchett. It's nice to meet you too.


letsgoonmyouji December 2 2010, 21:07:57 UTC
[He has no idea what a sister is, so it's...kind of lost on him. Whoops.]

Well it is the first we've met, little beauty.


esthydear December 2 2010, 21:32:53 UTC
[Little beauty... that's so cute ;3; too bad Esther will attempt to ignore that comment.]

Ahah, yes it is. Why are you God's gift to man, again?


letsgoonmyouji December 2 2010, 21:47:45 UTC
[...well he's never been asked that, has he? Most people just pass it off as him being arrogant (which he kind of is) but it's...got a bit of truth to it too.]

I like to help, baby, that's all.


esthydear December 2 2010, 22:18:10 UTC
[twitch. his arrogance shines through it all.]

I see. Is that really an appropriate reason to walk around calling yourself that?


letsgoonmyouji December 2 2010, 22:22:52 UTC
I think so! [Heh heh heh. He quickly stops chuckling though, looking a bit more serious as he folds his arms across his chest then.]

A question, if I may, little beauty - a beautiful white wolf. Have you seen her around here?


esthydear December 2 2010, 22:30:19 UTC
[A quick sigh before blinking and listening to his question.]

A white wolf? No, I'm afraid not... but I haven't been out too much recently, so there's a good chance she might be around here somewhere.


letsgoonmyouji December 2 2010, 22:36:18 UTC
Keep your eyes open, she's a wondrous sight to behold.

[He smiles; he knows she's here, after all. He did meet her earlier - but if Issun isn't around to be her Celestial Envoy...well, someone has to take over, don't they?]

Always ready to help in a pinch.


esthydear December 2 2010, 22:45:39 UTC
I'm sure.

[She watched him carefully. Wondering what to make of this odd man in front of her.]

Might I inquire into what it is you do for a living? I know you said you like to help...


letsgoonmyouji December 2 2010, 22:51:32 UTC
Oh, little old me? [Still a smiling away, but something's...different. Who knows.]

...I worked for the Queen - it doesn't matter much here though, does it, hm?


esthydear December 2 2010, 23:31:53 UTC
I suppose not. I was just wondering for the sake of wondering, that's all. I can't really preform any of my professional duties here, either. Since the Church is off limits to the public.


letsgoonmyouji December 2 2010, 23:33:55 UTC
Oh? And why's that? [You've got his attention. Seems almost like he was...waiting for you (or anyone really) to bring it up.]


esthydear December 3 2010, 01:00:46 UTC
I'm not really all that certain. I've been told that the priestess who worships the great Lamufao resides inside. And that the place wasn't built for community worship. I have never been inside, but I once spoke with a boy that had been, and he said that the inside was nothing like any church he had ever seen. Apparently they want to keep whatever is inside a secret because he described his experience there as a life threatening endeavor.


letsgoonmyouji December 3 2010, 01:24:05 UTC
Then it's keeping something inside? [A pause, he taps his cheek...]

Or there's a lot protecting something inside?


esthydear December 3 2010, 02:10:14 UTC
Could be either way, your guess is as good as mine.[A light shrug of her shoulders] I've tried to find out more but no one really knows any information to tell.


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