After a barrage of linguistic assault against liberals and the Obama administration, the closing paragraphs of Justin Raimondo's
article about about liberal disdain for Wikileaks forwards this astute observation:
"This is blowback, guys: the very spying and surveillance you wanted as weapons in the "war on terrorism" are now being turned on
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Comments 11
Which, of course, requires that it be an anarchic form of government. Because only anarchic government fails to initiate force.
Once there's some exception declared, the place crumbles under its own weight and tyranny results.
If a dozen folks get together and voluntarily agree to certain rules and an arbitration system of some sort in case a rule is broken, they've created a government. However, since they all voluntarily joined, no one is ruling anyone else.
Those who are clearly known to have committed acts of force (say, robbing someone) are pretty easy to deal with; they've initiated force, so proportionate force can be used against them in return whether they've consented or not. But it's typical to have people who are merely suspected of having done so, and a trial is necessary to establish guilt or innocent. If a person is suspected of a robbery, based on strong but not yet conclusive evidence, can a government such as you conceive arrest him and bring him to trial against his will? If not, how would it proceed?
But yes, a moral government, whatever form it takes, would not initiate force (or fraud). If your semantic paradigm for that is "anarchy" then anarchy would be the model of a moral government.
Administration and ruling are two different things.
More poetical-like, ruling is something you do to someone, while administration is something you do for someone.
Blow Back makes me think of a particular action that has bad unintended consequences. What we have is a growing body of bad precedents that has gotten to the point where people can not imagine how society could function without government coercion. If you argue for no government coercion they think that you are crazy.
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