Seriously, I've found team!fic, I've found a boatload of Shepfic and a boatload of Rodneyfic, but nothing focusing on Ronon 8C Occasionally he appears in the background of one of the other types of fic but more often he's nowhere to be found.
I was shocked! I thought there'd be tons, and then I go look and ZIP D8
(I'd prefer gen really but if I must turn to slash I will do so)
I know Laura's OTP was RononShep, so I think she may have written some at some point? She also talked about reading a lot of RononShep fic (AND I've found a lot on FFnet in the past), so I know it exists. You might have to peruse around LJ to find a character-related or pairing-related community for fic if you're having trouble finding it at the Pit. :C
Ahahaha, gen is really hard to find in this fandom. I only remember because I went on a reading spree, and all the gen fics for ANY character were just plain boring. :'C Made me le sad! You might have more luck than me, though. Dx
Ohhhh waaaait I remember reading hers ages ago! (And not retaining much because I hadn't seen so much as a snippet of the show at that point)
I did find one decent genfic! By an author called kolyaaaa.... don't remember how many As there were. But it was kinda entertaining (about a hacker who hacked Atlantis and played increasingly more brutal pranks on the team while trying to prove he was better than Rodney). Unfortunately I couldn't find any more than that. :C
Maybe she will have some recs.... LAURA WHERE ARE YOU HALP ME
Comments 4
Seriously, I've found team!fic, I've found a boatload of Shepfic and a boatload of Rodneyfic, but nothing focusing on Ronon 8C Occasionally he appears in the background of one of the other types of fic but more often he's nowhere to be found.
I was shocked! I thought there'd be tons, and then I go look and ZIP D8
(I'd prefer gen really but if I must turn to slash I will do so)
Ahahaha, gen is really hard to find in this fandom. I only remember because I went on a reading spree, and all the gen fics for ANY character were just plain boring. :'C Made me le sad! You might have more luck than me, though. Dx
I did find one decent genfic! By an author called kolyaaaa.... don't remember how many As there were. But it was kinda entertaining (about a hacker who hacked Atlantis and played increasingly more brutal pranks on the team while trying to prove he was better than Rodney). Unfortunately I couldn't find any more than that. :C
Maybe she will have some recs.... LAURA WHERE ARE YOU HALP ME
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