
Dec 18, 2012 23:50

Got back a little while ago from having "a cup of coffee" with Mb. "A cup of coffee" in our lexicon invariably means "Steak 'n' Shake"...fine by me, as that's the first meal "out" I've had since September. She needed to unwind---mostly Bozo related---so I shelved plans to watch Robert Wagner on NCIS in lieu of stepping up for my BFF ( Read more... )

mb, yule, christmas, yuletide

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Comments 8

starhawk2005 December 19 2012, 19:29:05 UTC
Mmmm, brownies. *wants*


vanillafluffy December 19 2012, 21:10:49 UTC
Yup, people are getting edible presents this year, because I simply don't have cash for any other kind.



starhawk2005 December 20 2012, 18:33:45 UTC
Hey, why not? Commercialism is overrated anyway.


pwcorgigirl December 19 2012, 23:03:39 UTC
A movie on Christmas sounds like a lovely way to spend the afternoon. *hugs*

Oh, I thought of you big time last night: I was watching a movie called "Uncorked," and Jim Beaver had a small role as a crane operator. It was from 1998, and except that he was clean-shaven, he looked pretty much like Bobby: flannel shirt, work pants, trucker cap. :D

BTW, I have officially survived Advent at God's own little wacky factory and am off work until Dec. 26 -- YAY!


vanillafluffy December 20 2012, 05:18:12 UTC
*flails* Flannel!kink is working overtime....

Yay for surviving Advent---I thought you were on the hook til the Bishop came thru (almost typed the Bishon...hopefully he's not that bad!). Hope you have a terrific holiday.

It's a Tarrentino film, so "lovely" might not be *quite* the word for it, but I certainly do plan to have fun.



pwcorgigirl December 20 2012, 14:25:37 UTC
This Bishop is an extremely nice man, unlike his predecessor, who we dreaded to see coming. Fortunately, Previous!Bish hated going to the hinterlands as much as we hated to see him, so he left what's usually a lifetime position and has gone back to torturing seminary students. And the people said, "Amen!" :D

No, I don't have to be there in person when the Bishop comes unless he happens to make a visit during my regular work-week. But I did have to get all the mountains of visitation paperwork done before 4 p.m yesterday, along with all the stuff for the Christmas Eve services and the December vestry meeting. The copier ran so continuously yesterday that I had to get an emergency delivery of toner to keep it going, and I folded nearly a thousand sheets of paper by hand. I came home from work, ate a cheese sandwich, took a shower and didn't move from the sofa until it was time to go to bed.


vanillafluffy December 20 2012, 18:43:21 UTC
I folded nearly a thousand sheets of paper by hand.

Ouch! Here's hoping eggnog heals paper cuts and your tunnels don't carpel too badly!



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