A good time

Sep 08, 2012 12:25

Yesterday was a blast. The weather looked threatening, so I boogied over to the Island early, despite J's injunctions not to show up before 7PM ( Read more... )

canasta, j, birthday, clothes, gk, mb

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Comments 17

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vanillafluffy September 8 2012, 22:08:27 UTC
"Blouse" is actually a zip-front collarless jacket. The greens, yellows and browns are all colors I have in solid color shirts. I favor warm colors/an autumnal palette, with smaller splashes of greens and aqua/teal. Thankfully, GK knows my style and has an idea of what's in my closeet (although I really need to winnow out the stuff that's Way Too Big).



pwcorgigirl September 8 2012, 23:45:56 UTC
Oh, you look amazing! Good lord, girl, you're half the size you were a few birthdays ago! That is a great outfit: very flattering, very professional looking. Your fashion consultant has scored again. :)

Hope you have a lovely birthday, darling. *tosses confetti*


vanillafluffy September 9 2012, 05:17:46 UTC
Thanks hon! I got all tingly and happy when I tried 'em on.



jdsgirlbev September 9 2012, 02:05:47 UTC
Girl! Looking GOOD!


vanillafluffy September 9 2012, 05:18:46 UTC
Thank you kindly!



adventurat September 9 2012, 04:02:52 UTC
Wow girl, you look great! But I think that's an A-line skirt rather than a pencil - longer, flared, rather than knee-length and tapered in. Quibbling aside, you look fabulous! Enjoy wearing that jacket while you can, for it's quickly approaching too-big-on-you!


vanillafluffy September 9 2012, 05:22:03 UTC
It's definitely a straighter skirt than I'm used to. And the jacket makes me hope for a brisk winter. (be careful what you wish for, right?!)



adventurat September 9 2012, 15:05:25 UTC
And hey, LJ is telling me today is your birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


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