What's cookin', good lookin'?

Apr 20, 2012 01:59

The more I see this commercial,

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the more I want to try his gauchpazo and that organic mushroom risotto. He's a badass AND he cooks? Be still, my heart!


tv, cooking, food, commercials

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Comments 4

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vanillafluffy April 21 2012, 02:30:27 UTC
Have you seen "Formula 51", where he spends most of the movie walking around in a kilt? Yowza!



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vanillafluffy April 21 2012, 02:52:40 UTC
Glad I could expand your horizons!



ang5fam April 22 2012, 23:20:24 UTC
He's also been married to the same woman for 32 years and has no bad rep for messing around. No scandals.
An old-fashioned good guy!


vanillafluffy April 22 2012, 23:47:17 UTC
*sigh!* It figures. Not that I really thought I'd have a shot with him anyway....



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