What I'm Thankful For

Nov 24, 2011 00:20

I'm in my skinny jeans. (Well, not right this second; I'm actually in my nightgown.) But this morning, getting dressed to go work a dog (who is gonna be A LOT of work, little psycho fucker), I recalled that my so-called skinny jeans had been laundered during the recent marathon. And considering the fact that my weight is currently lower than it's ( Read more... )

clothes, wntw, weight loss, thanksgiving, weight

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Comments 15

jdsgirlbev November 24 2011, 07:00:38 UTC
WAY TO GO YOU!!! *\O/*


vanillafluffy November 24 2011, 13:51:18 UTC
Thanks! It's a great feeling.



jagfanlj November 24 2011, 07:31:38 UTC
That's FABULOUS news! What an ego-boost that must have been.


vanillafluffy November 24 2011, 13:54:41 UTC
Kind of. Mostly I've been remembering how miserable I was at my heaviest. It wasn't JUST the weight, of course---it never is. It was a rotten relationship and a terrible job---although a job, in general, is a desirable thing.



ang5fam November 24 2011, 12:28:22 UTC
It's a wonderful feeling! Although I need to lose more, it's nice to have looser clothing- although, nothing will likely feel loose after our marathon eating today! ha ha
Happy Thanksgiving!!


vanillafluffy November 24 2011, 13:58:34 UTC
My plan calls for donning a dress without a waist so I can consume freely then lolling about on the couch after dinner in a wqell-fed stupor. Nothing like having a plan!

Happy T-day to you, too!



(The comment has been removed)

vanillafluffy November 24 2011, 14:10:03 UTC
Yeah, I'll probably wear them a few times just for the sheer trophy value, then quietly retire them in favor of other things. Truth be told, I don't LIKE jeans that much---they never seem to fit sitting down, for one thing---but yay! They fit again after eleventy billion years!

I just wish I hadn't gotten rid of a few other things I gave up on. Oh well, it's not like I don't have anything to wear....



kukkurkurat November 24 2011, 14:26:47 UTC
Oh my! You have done WELL! If I ever fit to my skinny ones... that would be the day! Love that you did! Fit in them, I mean! Great-great-great!


vanillafluffy November 24 2011, 14:32:07 UTC
Thanks, honey! Don't give up hope, you never know what the future will bring. Even five years ago, I didn't expect this kind of change. (Now I'm wondering about a certain skirt....)


kukkurkurat November 24 2011, 15:48:54 UTC
If wishes were horses... etc yeah. In our case they better be Mustangs!


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