Will it go round in circles...?

Aug 06, 2011 03:15

I've got laundry happending at J's...small load, because she has a teeny-tiny washer and the dryer only half-works. It doesn't like to spin, hence the title of the post ( Read more... )

home sweet home

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Comments 4

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vanillafluffy August 6 2011, 14:43:39 UTC
Yeah, like having a place to hang up laundry as it comes out of the dryer. In that respect, I trump them all, even though mine is not the nicest house, or even the most expensive washing machine---the C's have one that you need to have a MENSA membership to use. And being able to FIND things---it gets tiresome always asking questions like, "If I were triyake sauce, where would I be?"(The refrigerator? Really? Mine lives in a rack on my countertop, but that's just me.)



kukkurkurat August 14 2011, 18:59:45 UTC
I have house-sat in an apartement that had almost no calendars or clocks, but two nice cats, and good bathroom and a washing machine. Or in a place that has no radio on one floor and a hell-cat, but the superb washing aspects. Or a house that has worse out-house feeling for a facility than we did but well insulated living quarters... So yeah. The little things, indeed.


vanillafluffy August 14 2011, 19:18:04 UTC
Hi! So how is YOUR laundry going? (Or should I just not ask for fear of jinxes?)

I wouldn't notice the lack of a radio, but TV variety is vital! (I do not look forward to my eventual return home to nothing.)

Meanwhile, if I could take J's bed, add the C's pillows to it, surround it by Mb's a/c and reloctate it all to my bedroom, I'd be in heaven!



kukkurkurat August 14 2011, 19:40:26 UTC
It has been going, in circles, as I have no dryer. But I must say I can deal of not having one. At least there is SOMETHING making washing easier.
I would miss radio, as I have noticed that I need the morning dose of news for the weather forecast AND road conditions in the city to get to work. I could get them from TV but I feel overwhelmed - visual input taking the majority of my focus and making me late...
Ingrid´s bunkbed and her two furry purring hot water bottles, Wurstkitty´s washing facilities and Malle´s internet choices would be my grand dream...


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