
Mar 01, 2011 00:12

Welcome to Vanillafluffy's First Annual (maybe) Cheer-Up-athon!

Scanning my f'list, it seems like most of us are going through some kind of agita and/or angst. Families, relationships, jobs or lackthereof---it's always something.

As a wise man once said, "I get by with a little help from my friends." I'm inviting my friends (and their friends, and anyone with something constructive to contribute) to particate in this Cheer-Up-athon.

I'm not asking for money, just good mojo. (As long as it isn't that whole "Well, it could be worse, you could be sleeping in a box" schtick, because really, that doesn't work.)

Let's have your compliments, well-wishes, inspirational quotes, suggestions of activities to brighten someone's day---preferably low-or-no-cost, since times ARE tough. Also welcome are Gifs, icons, picspams and fanvids, macros, happy ending comment fics, recipes for your favorite comfort food and good news in general.

This is going to be an on-going event. After a few days as is, I'll change the date so that this post stays at the top of my page and you can keep adding to it. Post as often as you like, and feel free to pimp.

Keep it positive and upbeat, be kind to each other and play nice, y'all.


good news, cheer-up-athon

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