
Dec 29, 2010 22:50

Alledgedly, the weather is going to warm up. Maybe it is, but since it's still only December, I'm willing to bet it isn't going to STAY warm. Which makes it all the more delightful that I've *finally* got a space heater in my office. It took some high finance, but it's done ( Read more... )

clothes, cold weather, mb, yuletide

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Comments 4

gwylliondream December 30 2010, 14:02:23 UTC
I like the dress you got. I should check FB more often.

Watch out for those space heaters if you are paying for electricity. They run the bill up pretty dramatically.

Have a great New Year!



vanillafluffy December 30 2010, 19:29:34 UTC
Thankfully, it's warmed up enough today that I can get by without said heaters...I haven't seen an electric bill since all this atarted, and am not looking forward to it. I managed to survive the summer without A/C, but winter with no heat? Nope. Not unless I stay in bed until March, and for various reasons, that's not an option. Here's hoping I don't have to sell a kidney.



ang5fam December 30 2010, 19:56:38 UTC
The modern heaters aren't that bad. We bought one for Ben Jr to use in the back house and it's not too bad. They heat the area quickly so you don't have to run them constantly.
I dread our electric bill after running heat for so many days in a row! I could have a new wardrobe with what we typically pay to stay comfortable-- although my old house hasn't really been warm this year with these temps.


vanillafluffy December 30 2010, 20:09:37 UTC
One of the worst things about my house is the way it's always hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Yesterday, I went outside and honestly, it was ten degrees warmer outside than it was in.

Not having central heat or air saves me a lot of money, although I envy people who can take it for granted. Wouldn't it be nice to be affluent enough not to WORRY about paying to be comfortable year-round?!


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