Baby, it's cold outside...and inside

Dec 07, 2010 15:45

We had freezing temps overnight, and it's supposedly going to be the same for the next few nights. According to assorted thermometers and using my handy-dandy Farenheit to Celcius converter,I can tell you that at 3 PM it's ( Read more... )

baby it's cold outside, weather, cold weather

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Comments 21

ang5fam December 7 2010, 21:58:33 UTC
Somehow, I got ahead of myself and got cards mailed already. Sent one box of gifts to my daughter and her fam in NY- that's all there is to ship. I also ordered them some fruit but I don't have to box that up, thankfully!
I remember as a kid that my grandmother from here used to send us a literal crate of fruit to Alabama. It was always so exciting to receive.
I have purchased a few gifts for my sons, mostly gift cards so that they can purchase gas, groceries, etc. when needed.
That will be it! No tree as of yet but that's not my department. They made me get rid of my artificial one so this year it's up to them . (them being husband and sons) Ho! Ho! Ho!


vanillafluffy December 7 2010, 22:50:05 UTC
Go, you! Getting ahead of the rush is a Good Thing.

We didn't get the box o' fruit when I was little, but my aunt came down to Florida every winter and always brough back mesh sacks full of orange goodness.


dine December 7 2010, 22:36:58 UTC
it's just not the holiday season without scenic cards *g*


vanillafluffy December 7 2010, 22:51:20 UTC
I have the scenery propped up on my desk so I can admire it easily.



kukkurkurat December 7 2010, 22:48:47 UTC
It is 62F at my room and 5 layers on me. I am still pretty happy with that. 51F would be a bit drastic even for me.
No things sent out yet, except the online gift that you already got. Yes, I hate the expensive shipping. I just hate it! *growls*


vanillafluffy December 7 2010, 22:54:53 UTC
And the weather report promises another couple days like this, a little warmer over the weekend, then another cool-dwn next week. Oh, what fun, and it technically isn't winter yet!

Did you ever get that incense, or is it still on the slow boat from Texas?



kukkurkurat December 7 2010, 23:17:18 UTC
YES, the drugs have arrived!
And looking at your icon, I would so cuddle next a warm body right now...


vanillafluffy December 7 2010, 23:31:19 UTC
Yes, better a warm body than one that's in rigor mortis!

I hope the catnip helps you stay warm and toasty!



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vanillafluffy December 8 2010, 00:14:21 UTC
I thought of you when I heard on the news that parts of Ohio got two feet of snow. Brrr!

I remember when I first moved down here and laughed at the locals who shivered when it hit the 60s. I can handle the 60s, but the 50s are a whole 'nother story---especially indoors!

As much as I may bitch during the summer, I'm not nearly as traumatized by 90-something as I am 40-something!

I just said the hell with it and ordered a pizza, because I'm not inclined to cook, and I want something that will act as a hand-0warmer. Spoiled, I know! And I will probably regret it toward the end of next week as I await funds....

Great icon, btw!



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vanillafluffy December 8 2010, 00:24:59 UTC
Relatives aren't really a problem for me, so it doesn't apply so much. But I like the style of it.


jdsgirlbev December 8 2010, 06:47:10 UTC
69F/20.5C = bedroom
THIS you consider cold??? This is single sheet temp for me. The outside temp tonight is 9C, and my bedroom window is wide open. We're a hardy bunch out here on the rock. :D


vanillafluffy December 8 2010, 06:56:11 UTC
No, the 69F I consider tolerable, it's it's the low-50s in the office that I'm not liking. After all, it's been at least 80F for the greater part of the last eight months. Again, I am wimp, hear me whimper.



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