Notes from the back of my closet

Oct 19, 2010 02:22

A long, long time ago, a couple years before she moved away, GK gave me a very pretty dark green skirt for Christmas. As I recall, she wrapped the box with a leopard print chiffon scarf (which became one of my favorite accessories and I wore it to death), and tucked in the box was a copy of Mode magazine. The skirt was great---long, floaty brocade ( Read more... )

clothes, weight

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Comments 8

candesgirl October 19 2010, 12:55:54 UTC
Sounds so pretty! And lace really is huge this season, I'm in love with a soft lace cardigan I saw at Target the other day, a gorgeous cream color. I love the way it's being used in sort of a new way. Yay for fitting into clothes you forgot about!


vanillafluffy October 19 2010, 16:51:27 UTC
I want to cruise Target and try on that hat...alas, our local Target has a miniscule plus size department, so I'm pretty much focused on accessories and housewares.


ultraviolet9a October 19 2010, 13:48:18 UTC
Isn't it a beautiful feeling to have clothes you a. hardly remembered having and b. can put on and they fit well now? I love that feeling.


vanillafluffy October 19 2010, 16:56:05 UTC
I've had several closet purges since getting it and kept hanging on to it because I adored the fabic and the color. I'm thrilled that I can finally show it off.


jnapier October 19 2010, 18:39:33 UTC
I am with you on this one. I myself have taken a 7 month Journey into having this planet's gravity have less of a hold on me and I am starting to find clothes that I used to wear that I couldn't back in March.

But now I have another problem. I have a ton of clothes I am getting close to not wearing because they are too big.


vanillafluffy October 19 2010, 19:57:30 UTC
Atta boy! It's a great feeling, isn't it?

Depending on how pricey tailors are in your neck of the woods, it might be less expensive to thrift a few new-to-you items. (Just stay away from pleated pants---they just add bulk, which is counterproductive.)


arliss October 21 2010, 07:07:35 UTC
I love putting outfits together out of what I find, what I repurpose, and what I ferret out of the back of the closet. Your green lace and long skirt sound great--pictures, please!


vanillafluffy October 21 2010, 15:23:18 UTC
You bet! That'll probably be sometime in December. Meanwhile, I'll see what else I can throw together....


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