The Cesar Millan presentation, and other adventures

Oct 02, 2010 00:22

J collected me shortly after noon on Thrusday, and we drove over to Orlando, both quite excited about the scheduled Cesar appearance. We got there well before the event, scheduled at 3:30, and hit a Chili's on I-Drive for lunch. Chicken, bacon and ranch quesadillas, yum ( Read more... )

j, orlando, dog training, food

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Comments 7

traveling_storm October 2 2010, 09:32:03 UTC
I'm not a fan of Ceasar Milan, but I'm glad you had a good day. ^__^ I *suck* at navigation btw - am always envious of people who are good navigators. ^^


vanillafluffy October 2 2010, 15:07:07 UTC
Despite the setbacks, it was lovely to get away for a day. I hadn't had a planned day out in nearly a year. This was great---the weather was clear and sunny, not too hot, I wasn't pinched for money (Tight as usual, but not miserably so.), and J and I get along well. The Orlando drivers didn't even try to kill us! Amazing!


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vanillafluffy October 2 2010, 15:11:17 UTC
The place is big enough that it wasn't packed, which is good, because otherwise I would've been freaked out that I'd bump into some brittle old lady and she'd fracture a hip or something.

To me, it all depends on the crowd. I used to love going to rock concerts and people-watching.


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vanillafluffy October 2 2010, 15:33:23 UTC
Oh yeah, really tight crowds are another thing. I had a very bad experience once where I got jammmed against a the point of a corner and thought my ribcage was going to be crushed. And I've been in a mosh situation or two where I wasn't sure if I was going to come out with both feet, let alone both shoes. Human mobs are scary things!


pwcorgigirl October 2 2010, 21:06:32 UTC
Aggravations aside, that sounds like a wonderful excursion. And you're making me crave a butter pecan milkshake, even though milkshakes usually make me sick afterward. :D


vanillafluffy October 2 2010, 21:58:03 UTC
It kinda cleaned me out Friday, IYKWIM, but it sure was tasty. (And kinda made up for skipping dessert at lunch thinking we had plenty of time to go a mile down the road and park and get in there---hah!)


jnapier October 4 2010, 23:01:37 UTC
Glad you had a good time.

I am not surprised at the designers of these events...sort of the same guys who designed the parking lots at the special olympics...Try finding a normal spot.


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