I think it's safe to say that did not go well

Sep 24, 2010 13:10

I just had a call from T, letting me know they're coming home tonight rather than tomorrow as originally scheduled. I think it's safe to guess that things didn't go too well. S has probably been drunk the whole time, and knowing her, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out that she caused a scene/some kind of trouble. It wouldn't be the first ( Read more... )

movie night, home sweet home, spn, schnauzerland

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Comments 7

karaokegal September 24 2010, 18:17:20 UTC
OH BOY! Well, once all that's done, you can get back to your own life, which should be a relief.


vanillafluffy September 24 2010, 21:13:21 UTC
Indeed it is---a relief, that is! It may be a hot mess, literally, but it's my mess. And I'm used to the heat.


jnapier September 24 2010, 18:42:22 UTC
Well, here is hoping you enjoy your evening in.....


vanillafluffy September 24 2010, 21:18:20 UTC
Thanks. Granted, my bed is not as soft or the room as cool, but it least I don't have to worry about the dogs tearing things up, or deal with her crazy computer, and there's a nice, cheap WalMart right down the road.


jnapier September 25 2010, 02:02:22 UTC
That's a Win!


pwcorgigirl September 24 2010, 19:18:35 UTC
Eeeyow. I feel sorry for T. Too bad your vacation in the AC has to end early, but better to be home and out of way of any explosions. *hugs*


vanillafluffy September 24 2010, 21:35:14 UTC
I was already planning to drive over for movie night at church, head to my place for the SPN season premiere, the difference being, now I don't have to drive fifteen miles in the middle of the night to go back there. Yay!

Yeah, T's between a rock and a hard place. He's an honorable guy. I believe he really does love her, and since his folks are still married, he's had an example of "til death do us part". Unfortunately, he doesn't have a real helpmate---S hasn't held down a real job for more than a few months at a time AT MOST since I've known her. She is/was in real estate, which is no way to make money in this economy, and in her current state, it's even less likely. She's been kept for the best part of 20 years, and he's subsidized her hobbies and her vices, because he's a nice guy who has trouble putting his foot down in the face of her willfulness. *sigh*


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