38 to 50

Aug 02, 2010 00:40

The biggest event of my 12th year was predicated on something that happened when I was 11. While Mom was in the hospital, Aunt Mary and Uncle Al were out of town for a while, visiting Aunt Elsie and Uncle Frank, who'd retired to Pompano Beach, Florida. I wasn't a latchkey kid---I didn't get a house key til we moved to this place---so when my dad ( Read more... )

food, 50, nostalgia, weight

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Comments 5

hippediva August 2 2010, 16:30:34 UTC
Sounds utterly hideous!! ((hugs)) And I thought 2 summers at the Thomas School of Horse Manure was awful! Although it did make me grin--y'see, my maternal grandfolks' big farm was in Hawley. But that was back in the early part of the 20th c. LOL!

*sigh* All too often, drastic action like that only results in more grief for everyone involved. I thank my guardian deities every day that I was smart and do not have kids to screw up!


vanillafluffy August 3 2010, 03:07:36 UTC
Ditto the "no kids" business. In fact, I think the number of people I know without kids WAY outnumbers the ones with!


(The comment has been removed)

vanillafluffy August 3 2010, 03:10:02 UTC
Now you know! And that's just the basic routine. For instance, being the only girl-child in the family, I *never* ran around naked, or even in panties. The amount of skin that ran back and forth between my bunk and the bunk next door was a shock.


gwylliondream August 3 2010, 03:09:39 UTC
Oh you poor thing! You tell the story well, though.

LOL! Calisthentics! Yes, they were aerobics!


vanillafluffy August 3 2010, 03:11:11 UTC
Writer! (That's along the lines of Jack Sparrow going, "Pirate!")


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