After the Dust Has Settled [Green/PG-13]

May 12, 2010 20:05

Title: After the Dust Has Settled
Authored by: vanillafluffy
Spoilers: Guesses, not spoilers. I know nothing!
Rating/Work-safeness: PG-13 for language, implied slash
Approximate word count: 5500
Disclaimer: I own only the neurons and electrons I composed it with.
Betaed by: pwcorgigirlSummary: Set November 2nd, 2013. With the Apocalypse behind them, the ( Read more... )

au, spn, writing, author: vanillafluffy, fic

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Comments 41

klutzy_girl May 13 2010, 00:39:34 UTC
I loved this! Team Free Will reuniting was adorable. And really, I think I kinda like Bobby/Crowley. And Rufus/Missouri is definitely different, but interesting.


vanillafluffy May 13 2010, 02:19:48 UTC
Glad you enjoyed it! I love "Where are they now?"-type speculating.

Thanks for commenting!


musesfool May 13 2010, 00:49:33 UTC
Aw, this is lovely.


vanillafluffy May 13 2010, 02:20:14 UTC
Thank you!


scarletsherlock May 13 2010, 00:49:56 UTC
This is cute, and a little bit sad, but I want it to happen so, so much. *is nervous for tomorrow*

And Bobby/Crowley FOR THE WIN.


vanillafluffy May 13 2010, 02:22:30 UTC
I'm biting my nails too, because even after tomorrow, they all still need to survive season 6! *bites nails*

Thanks for commenting!


borgmama1of5 May 13 2010, 01:20:12 UTC


vanillafluffy May 13 2010, 02:23:56 UTC
I'm not holding my breath! Kripke has a way of jinxing what I write sooner or later.

Thanks for commenting!


dolimir_k May 13 2010, 01:31:54 UTC
I really enjoyed this. Sort of bittersweet, but very realistic. I love the idea of Dean going to school and Sam not. And the whole Crowley and Bobby situation was interesting..the whole are they or aren't they. Heh.

A nice end of the day story.


vanillafluffy May 13 2010, 02:29:58 UTC
I think Sam (my Sam, anyway) will end up going to school online. He might take a few classes at the local community college, and I can see him being active in the community as a way of keeping his ear to the ground for his kind of trouble. Dean, on the other hand...I've always thought he'd make a good teacher. He usually has a pretty good rapport with kids...maybe auto shop class.

That whole business about tongue inspired the Bobby/Crowley subplot. Honestly, no, I don't think so, but my crack!addled brain says "Yes! Yes!".

Thanks so much for commenting!


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