I'll be seeing the model for my icon tonight

Dec 27, 2009 16:40

I've been the recipient of an email requesting the please of my company for turkey dinner at Schnauzerland this evening (a little advance notice would have been nice!), so we'll see what S & T have been up to. I just hope she isn't contagious. I don't want to risk passing anything on to Kat ( Read more... )

xmas, christmas, yuletide, schnauzerland

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Comments 8

pwcorgigirl December 27 2009, 23:15:15 UTC
That sounds like a lovely way to spend the long Christmas weekend.

Because I really know how to have fun, I spent six hours today painting the dining room. But it looks lovely now (went from a dingy, washed-out lemonade-yellow to a golden wheat color) and everything is back in its spot.


vanillafluffy December 28 2009, 03:50:14 UTC
Golden wheat sounds gorgeous. I wouldn't mind something like that in my living room...wheat, parchment, birch...how many rooms do you have left at this point? It seems like you've dones the whole house over the last few months?


pwcorgigirl December 28 2009, 15:37:35 UTC
I've done five rooms in six weeks. We're not painting the two bedrooms or Corgiguy's office, so all I have left to do is the living room, stairwell walls and the upstairs hallway. They're all connected, so they have to be the same color. I'll have to buy paint at the paint store to do that job. It takes four gallons, which is more than I think I'd be able to mix and match with Habitat paint.

It'll probably be mid-January before I take that one on. My knees and shoulders need a couple of weeks to rest! :D


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vanillafluffy December 28 2009, 03:55:21 UTC
Unfortunately, Lane Bryant has completely different stuff online than they do in their stores, or I'd find it and show it do you. I'm wearing it right now with a brown tiered skirt and long-sleeved winter white pullover---I also have a pair of chocolate brown cords which should look good with it, some brown leggings and assorted other tiered skirts....


hansolo5 December 28 2009, 09:30:40 UTC
Happy you enjoyed Christmas day and the 26th. So how did you like Sherlock Holmes? I think I'm going to see it next week, but I saw the trailers and I am not that excited....I can't wait for Iron man II instead!!


karaokegal December 28 2009, 19:50:37 UTC
Did you share any of my annoyance with RDJr's accent/mumbling? We know that he can enunciate perfectly well and do a flawless British accent, so I honestly don't know whether to blame him or Guy Ritchie. I didn't HATE the movie, but I feel like it could have been a lot better than it was. Although not any slashier, short of actual snogging.


vanillafluffy December 28 2009, 20:56:53 UTC
I didn't have a problem with RDJr, but Guy Ritchie, yeah, kinda...there was something OFF about the pacing. I'd have to watch it again to put my finger on specifics, but there were times I just wanted to get behind it and push. At no point in the life-and-death bits did I actually believe any of it WAS. That fight scene with Dredger in the shipyard didn't engage me, for instance. Would see it again for the scenic leads, will also investigate the eventual sequel. May I suggest Johnny Depp in a fat suit as Mycroft---?


karaokegal December 28 2009, 21:03:56 UTC
Actually there were times during the movie where I thought Downey was being a bit Depp-like or when I just wished it was Johnny. No suspense in any of the fight scenes whatsoever. I mean it's Holmes, right? It's not he's gonna die or something.


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