The Inside Job: A Leverage fanfic

Oct 31, 2009 10:31

Title: The Inside Job
Authored by: vanillafluffy
Pairing/spoilers: Nate-Sophie And if giant spiders squick you, you might want to pass....
Rating/Work-safeness: PG-13
Approximate word count: 3200
Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the Season One DVDs. Heaven knows I'm not making a profit.
Betaed by: mojavedragonflySummary: Nate's crew of thieves is being even sneakier ( Read more... )

leverage, author: vanillafluffy, fic

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Comments 16

michelleann68 October 31 2009, 16:17:11 UTC
*hi* I'm visting from the party! cute. Love Parker, she is so much fun and that totally shines through.

it sounds like something they would do, such a functioning dysfunctional family and you capture that relationship so very well.

Nice way to bring back Sophie. I can't wait till S3.


vanillafluffy October 31 2009, 18:00:48 UTC
Thanks so much! I adore Parker's offbeat sense of what's normal. The crew really does put the 'fun' in dysfunctional, and I'm glad you think this was true to them. And yeah, I miss Sophie and hope they bring her back soon.

Party on!


michelleann68 October 31 2009, 18:05:14 UTC
I think it was John Rogers or Dean Devlin who said that the entire cast was expected back for S3 and that included Sophie, and she was expected to be at the Con Con too.

Funny enough ,. and this is just random. I started watching Leverage for Gina Bellman and fell for all the actors/characters. The show just makes me happy week after week.


vanillafluffy October 31 2009, 20:55:40 UTC
I started watching because Tim Hutton is always top-notch, and got sucked in because it's so much like the original Mission: Impossible series that I grew up loving---except with better production values and more of a sense of humor. I'm trying to turn as many of my friends on to it as I can.


louisiane_fille October 31 2009, 16:23:03 UTC
One small nitpick: Hardison's first name is Alec, not Alex. Other than that, good job! Especially liked Parker's creepy pet. LOL


vanillafluffy October 31 2009, 18:14:54 UTC
The correction is appreciated and fixed. (You'd think I'd remember that without prompting, since it's the same as JA's character from Dark Angel.)

Parker is so...unique. If she was going to have a fluffy pet, you just KNOW it's not going to be something commonplace like a kitten or a bunny. And since Kojak happened to be a stowaway in with a shipment of guns Eliot was picking up at the port, and Eliot is a little sweet on Parker (at least, MY Eliot is), it seemed like a good match.

Glad you liked it, thanks for commenting!


pwcorgigirl October 31 2009, 20:24:36 UTC
Oh, this is so funny and adorable, and you have such great snappy dialogue. I've seen exactly one episode of Leverage, and now absolutely must catch up.


vanillafluffy October 31 2009, 20:59:24 UTC
I'm glad I lived up to the dialogue of the original. I showed an ep (The Miracle Job, season 1) to a bunch of friends a couple weeks ago, and from the amount of cackling that was heard, I thin I made a few converts!

I was a huge Mission: Impossible fan growing up, and this makes me think of that, updated for the 21st century. Much love!


karaokegal November 3 2009, 18:58:01 UTC
Wow! That is some heavy duty fluff. I assume you put the tarantula in there as a way to take the curse off the schmoop factor? Anyway, very cute all around and a brilliant disguise of course.

There are some great lines and I was definitely interested in the characters, even though I've never seen the show.

It's always interesting reading fics for fandoms that I only know by zeitgeist and promos.

Thanks again for coming to the party. (Make sure you're ready for the ride to Chez Panisse tonight.)


vanillafluffy November 4 2009, 16:09:42 UTC
If you knew the fandom, you'd know the tarantula is perfectly in-character. Think of it this way, if it were the A-Team, Parker would be Murdock, but with different skill sets and no invisible dog. Anyway, I'm glad you liked it! I guess I ought to get it posted elsewhere now that the weekend suckage is over.


karaokegal November 4 2009, 17:13:35 UTC
No invisible dog? Darn. Oh A-TEAM, how I miss you. (And no, I'm not particularly thrilled that they're doing a movie.)

By all means go for some cross-posting. Omni-fiction awaits.


karaokegal October 1 2012, 04:41:00 UTC
It's only taken me two years to actually get mostly caught up to canon and come back to re-read. I stand by my original assessment, maybe even moreso---really really flufy. Still a great costume. Looking forward to this years production.


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