09/09/09 or, 49 and counting

Sep 09, 2009 23:00

So here we are, September 9th 2009. My 49th birthday ( Read more... )

jools, birthday, f'list, kat, obama, weight

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Comments 19

smtfhw September 10 2009, 06:22:45 UTC
Missed it! Belated Happy Birthday from me!


vanillafluffy September 10 2009, 13:36:49 UTC
Better late than never! Thanks!


majolika September 10 2009, 15:13:01 UTC
aww, it was such an easy date to remember! *bangs head against monitor and leaves stains* Happy belated birthday Fluffy and many happy returns!
(For some reason I think a robe with nine dragons would be very becoming for you.)


vanillafluffy September 10 2009, 16:32:38 UTC
I'm thinking cobalt blue silk with silver dragons and a pink silk lining. Yes, I like it!


chocolate_frapp September 10 2009, 16:08:08 UTC
happy birthday! (gives you ice cream and cake)


vanillafluffy September 10 2009, 16:30:39 UTC
Nom nom nom...thanks!


karaokegal September 10 2009, 20:19:48 UTC
Giggling childishly over "Tarzipan" icon.


valderman74 September 10 2009, 19:04:33 UTC
Hay guess what the shut the cocoa office down today. Thought you would like to know. Happy B-day. I guess you can't go back to hell even if you want to now.


vanillafluffy September 10 2009, 20:32:17 UTC
Holy shit, really? I heard they were outsourcing calls, but---wow. I guess that means the bigwigs in Coral Gables have found another office to do their dirty work.


valderman74 September 10 2009, 23:35:11 UTC
See the thing that get's me is I don't know if all the offices in the US or just Cocoa.


vanillafluffy September 10 2009, 23:44:29 UTC
I'm just floored. It's going to make getting references tougher. And OMG, I'm trying to imagine them conducting HIPPA classes for people who have English as a second language, not to mention the security issues of protected info going out of the country. Remember how anal they used to be about turning over sheets of paper on your desk in case the bug guy walked past or something? This boggles my mind.


karaokegal September 10 2009, 20:19:14 UTC
You deserve all the goodies and more, and especially an awesome speech from our wonderfully literate President.


vanillafluffy September 10 2009, 20:38:33 UTC
Thanks. I was also going to comment on how attractive The Prez is, but he's got the lovely Michelle already, so I guess that lets me out. I rather liked that salmon-colored suit she had on, with the rhinestone and amythest brooch. I noticed several ladies in trapeze/swing jackets, which made me very happy, as I have two of them currently in my wardrobe, one in a tweedy pink, the other in a dark denim. Woohoo, I'm in atyle AND in good company!


karaokegal September 11 2009, 03:02:27 UTC
Oh honey, the lovely Michelle doesn't inhibit those of us with a certain bent of imagination from shipping with quite a few members of the administration. Obama/Rahm is very popular.

Glad to hear your fashion sense has been validated by our public officials.


vanillafluffy September 11 2009, 03:14:40 UTC
Glad to hear your fashion sense has been validated by our public officials.

Yes, but I *still* want a little pillbox hat to go with the pink one. (I have a dark denim cadet cap to go with the other one.)


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