
Nov 04, 2008 23:55

I got undertime at work---the phones were DEAD after 8 PM---and when I clocked out, the election numbers were still up in the air. I drove home preparing to camp out on the internet all night, but by the time I got in and turned on the TV, it was OVER. I wept for joy. I know things aren't going to change overnight, but I'm hopeful, and I haven't ( Read more... )

elections, obama

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Comments 3

starhawk2005 November 5 2008, 14:28:22 UTC
*glees on your behalf*

*also giggles at mental picture of own Prime Minister's reaction (he's the Canadian version of a Republican Prez. Asshole.)*


vanillafluffy November 5 2008, 15:24:52 UTC
Although there's a certain amount of "I'm tired of hearing about politics" going around, so far, only one person on my f'list has expressed unhappiness with the results, and that includes the international readers. (I was rather amazed at the number of non-US LJ'ers who were avidly tracking our elections.)


starhawk2005 November 7 2008, 22:26:09 UTC
(I was rather amazed at the number of non-US LJ'ers who were avidly tracking our elections.)

Well, since you are right to our south (and our tv programs are about 95% American anyways), our interest was inevitable. ;)


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