Notes from my misspent youth

Jun 19, 2008 03:25

The Top 25 Hair Metal bands, as listed by some guy I never heard of. I don't agree with ALL of his picks, but it's funny as shit to read.;_ylt=AmCxvbi.EqAD5RaFakYi_jfLwSUv

music, nostalgia, metal

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Comments 2

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vanillafluffy June 20 2008, 05:57:53 UTC
I spent a while doing music reviews for a local 'zine, and I was brazen about scamming my way into places. I actually met Kip Winger, and he was about two inches shorter than I am. I got a pass to shoot photos from the pit in front of the stage, and from that angle, he looked like he was 7'6". Those were the days! *sigh*


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vanillafluffy June 20 2008, 15:45:28 UTC
Yeah, I like 'em furry, too. I'll have to see if I can find some recent footage, YouTube, maybe. I can't testify as to his brains, but he was very sweet about getting me a Press pass.


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