A real good time...

Jul 29, 2007 00:34

Back to school rocksNever mind Christmas---too many people taking an arbitrary date WAY too seriously---back to school is excellent. Trendicrap is doing a brisk business in uniform pants and polos, as well as new jeans and tees. There were a few lackluster orders (two shirts OR a pair of jeans) but mostly it was badda-boom, I'll have two of those ( Read more... )

jdm, burning zone

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Comments 2

starhawk2005 July 29 2007, 13:12:20 UTC
I get to enjoy some baby-faced JDM in The Burning Zone.

*jealous* ;)


vanillafluffy July 29 2007, 14:24:40 UTC
I figure that alone is almost worth the three-figure sum I'm paying the cable company every month. And to think I resisted digital cable for YEARS!


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