Solstice news

Dec 21, 2006 12:15

We take a moment from our regularly scheduled programming to bring you this special announcement ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

teresa_c December 21 2006, 17:23:46 UTC
I'm still in awe of how you can write something but not post it. I can't do that! I want to show it off right away!


vanillafluffy December 21 2006, 18:24:27 UTC
Ha. Right now, I'm thinking seriously of starting a "Misc" story on and dumping all the 1 & 2 chapter things I'll never finish in one random grab-bag: "This is what I was going to do. No, don't ask for more. Use your Imagination."


majolika December 22 2006, 03:22:09 UTC
that's a pleasant idea, this bonus pot. Never heard anything like that before.

I wish you a blessed Yule as well.

*steps on balcony and waits for nights getting shorter*


vanillafluffy December 22 2006, 05:41:59 UTC
It's a unique idea for me, too, and unless something dreadful happens between now and 31 Dec., I already know I'm going to get a bigger bonus than I ever earned at my previous job, where they gave you something like 2% of your annual salary, which after taxes and everything was under $200. So I'm already ahead of the game, and anything more is gravy!


starhawk2005 December 22 2006, 13:14:14 UTC
Blessed Yule!

Thanks! You too. ;)


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