Drabble Day Challenge Masterpost (HP, original, ambiguous and crack)

Feb 01, 2023 22:06

Here is my masterpost of the drabbles/ficlets and things I wrote for the Drabble Day Challenge over at hd_writers. I'm proud to say that I wrote for all 24 prompts in somewhere over 30 hours.

First, here is the communities masterpost of prompts, here you can see the pictures for each prompt, and everything : Prompt masterlist

One shots, for Harry Potter fandom.

#1- Love Letters
200 words
Harry sends Ginny a love letter during 6th year. Fluff- which was hard Harry/Ginny

#2- The Dad who Mediated
196 words
Sometimes kids can be annoying, James, Rose and Albus don't want Hugo and Lily to play with them. Harry, and his kids and Hugo and Rose.

#4- Safe Haven
281 words
James is a touchy-feely kind of person. He needs touch to help him get through the day. Albus is his safe haven. James and Albus, platonic brothers.

#7- Crying myself to sleep
190 words
Hermione finds a line in her favorite book that describes her feelings for Ron. Hermione/Ron, mentions of canon Lavender/Ron

#8- Molly Weasley
100 words
Molly Weasley knows how to live her life. Once in a while, she needs serenity. Molly Weasley

#9- Sexy on the Kitchen Floor
328 words
Draco has a hard time learning how to be nice around Harry. He isn't one to admit he's in the wrong, but when it comes to Harry, he might just. Draco/Harry

#10- Heartache
180 words
Harry loves Ginny, but the problem is, he's gay, and maybe gay for someone in particular. Harry/Ginny, Harry/Draco

#12- Some Secrets are Best Kept Hidden
200 words
Rose goes to yell at her boyfriend, but then figures out he's right about something. Rose/Scorpius, Albus Severus

#13- Dream Come True
480 words
Neville has only ever dreamt about one man. This is the story of how they met and how they started dating. Neville/Charlie

#14- Eyes for Only One Man
236 words
Harry only has eyes for Draco Malfoy. But his life is a little more complicated than that Draco/Harry.

#19- Dare Scorpius
200 words
Sometimes, you need to dare scorpius into things. Albus Severus/Scorpius, James Jr.

#22- Hot and Bothered
100 words
Ginny loves to visit Luna and her pet, Cho. (Cho's a slave.)Ginny/Luna/Cho

#23- A crush
177 words
James is getting annoyed with his brother, he doesn't leave him be. James/Albus

#24- Touch
143 words
Sirius has a bad habit, but Remus get the benefits from it. He likes it. Sirius/Remus

Dating Luna, 4 drabbles about Ginny/Luna

All are here
#5, #11, #20 and #21.
636 words total
Ginny didn't really know what it meant dating Luna. D/s, bondage, clit play, nipple play, spanking and other kinks. Ginny/Luna, Hermione

Original Drabbles

#3- Homework of Doom
375 words
Rose is shy and not open to people. Maybe Jason can get her to open up a bit. Rose/Jason (orignial characters)

#15- Sunday Morning
133 words
Kara and Brian enjoy a fine Sunday morning rolling in the grass. All because Brian got scared of the big scary airplane. Kara/Brian (original characters)

Ambiguous Pairings

#6- Just have to get there -first
43 words
A haiku. Gay Pirates by Cosmo Jarvis inspired this, as the prompt is a line from that song. This is kinda implied suicide, short and angsty. Ambiguous

#17- I always go back
118 words
I never leave, I never do. I could, and it would all be over, but I don't. Implied domestic violence. Ambiguous


#16- Have you ever wondered?
115 words
So much crack. Why do men have beards, but women don't?

#18- Vanessa the Wolf-ie
125 words
Okay, so the prompt was 'your username' and I couldn't think of anything. So .... I wrote a cracky thing about me, and my lj friends.

type: drabble day, masterpost, fanfiction

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