Fic: Ghost Story PG - One shot.

Jul 26, 2011 22:36

Title: Ghost Story
Author: vanessawolfie
Beta: hildigunnur who fixed this for me, before I turned it in as homework at school. Then read over it again after I added the first paragraph.
Character(s)/Pairing: Dean, Sam, John, Mary
Theme: 04-Love's rock
Prompt(s): #10- Past
Rating: PG
Word count: 222
Disclaimer: I do not own the Supernatural series or characters. I only own this story.
Summary: Dean looks back on his life as a child. Maybe it wasn't so unbelievable that Mary was a hunter.
Warnings/Author Notes: As I said, this was written as homework. Then I fixed it up a bit, and it was pure fanfic. Written for spn_30snapshots

Looking back, Dean sort of wondered why he hadn’t realized before that his mom was a hunter. There had been this one time when Sam was just born, that Dean had seen a ghost. It was just some old pervert haunting a playground but it was the first ghost Dean ever saw.  Maybe he hadn’t realized it because dwelling on the past wasn’t a thing Dean was very good with.

Dean wasn’t sure if he should believe his own eyes. Seeing a dead person wasn‘t a normal thing. No one would believe him anyway, he was just a little kid. His Dad would think he was seeking attention because he had a new baby brother, but he liked Sammy, and Mom and Dad still loved him even though they had Sammy too.

But all that didn’t explain why their old next door neighbor was constantly appearing in Dean’s playground watching all the kids. Dean thought he looked a little creepy and sometimes he talked to the girl playing in the swings. Dean didn’t like it but when he told his Mommy, she had only paled for a second and then told him to go back inside. Dean didn’t like the fact that Mom didn’t come back until it was bedtime. But the ghost of the old man stopped coming to the playground.

rating: pg, type: drabble, character: dean w., my aunt who has ruined my life, spn_30snapshots, love's rock, theme table, character: sam w., character: mary w., my writing, fanfiction: spn

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