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Comments 6

rsc September 30 2010, 16:58:37 UTC
This post inspired jwg to < a href="http://jwg.livejournal.com/179127.html">post at some length about our 1974 trip to Newfoundland.

I just want to put in a plug for Percé, which I visited with my parents and brother as a teenager. Not only is there the remarkable formation of Percé Rock, but a short ferry ride takes you to Île St. Bonaventure, which is one of the few nesting places in the world of the Northern Gannet. At the right time of the year (we were there in mid-to-late June) the cliffs are absolutely covered with birds.

Or at least this was true nearly 50 years ago.


vaneramos October 5 2010, 21:45:35 UTC
It sounds like a place I would like a lot, and it would be a manageable drive from here. Actually the Gaspé has been on my list of places to visit for a while, and you've just added a few reasons. Did you have trouble with language? Niether Danny or I is bilingual.


rsc October 6 2010, 03:03:49 UTC
I was 15. My parents both had at least a little French, so we managed.


pippasporch September 30 2010, 17:01:37 UTC
Wow, Van, this is such a gift. You have enthralled me beyond words and excited me with your passion for Canada! Thank you for this labour of love - I am sure this will fascinate everybody reading it.
Actually I think a visitor needs a lifetime to explore the splendour! I am really looking forward to visiting Candada, thanks to you!


vaneramos October 5 2010, 21:49:15 UTC
It was a pleasure. Now that I've given glowing descriptions of the east and west coast, I have to persuade you to come to Central Canada so I can meet you! ;-)


pippasporch October 6 2010, 19:54:23 UTC
Meeting you would be absolutely great, and not something I ever expected, Van!


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