Jan 04, 2012 19:54
First I'm hit with the troubles with Ozzie and the late night observations and drives around the block and constant crying.
Then my mother calls me hysterical about the death of her long-hair dachshund early this morning right as the school day is underway.
Now I'm trying to learn how to pill a cat so that I can do it over the weekend.
I know everybody else is struggling and has frayed nerves about what is happening to their pets, so I feel guilty (which is making things harder) about the nervous breakdown I nearly just had.
I'm not the one who just had a pet die. I'm not the one who has had to deal with the incontinence and scares and pillings of a beloved cat. Guess I'm just a fucking pussy since I have no damn good reason for it that doesn't pale in comparison to everybody else. And what the hell, me nearly losing my composure in front of my advanced theatre students as I explain what's going on.