Title: Nzambi of the Dead
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Merlin/Arthur
Wordcount: 16,326
Summary: The zombie apocalypse has happened. Merlin wakes up to find himself in the middle of nowhere and his memories of the past four months gone. With help from Lancelot, Arthur, and other people he meets, he must find a way to survive a horde of undead and regain his lost past. (AU)
Authors Note: written for the
merlinreversebb for
dhfreak wonderful piece. I know my story doesn't make it justice, but hope it entertains you long enough to forget that fact, or you could just go stare at the art for endless amount of time like I do. :) Also each part is broken into two sections for easier reading. There are a total of three parts to this story and there will eventually be Merthur in it, plus all the zombies, blood and gore, thus the rating.
Art Master PostRead over at AO3 (link coming soon)
Part 1a Part 1b Part 2a Part 2b Part 3a Part 3b ***Sorry was unable to post the rest of the parts on the 20th due to work. I will finish posting them up tomorrow, really sorry for that. Will try to get them up as soon as I get off work. :)