Date: May 1st Rating: PG Summary: Shiraishi has just moved into his fab new apartment in Shibuya and Hiyoshi is the first guest to come over and have dinner with him. Flirting ensues.
Date: January 11th or so Rating: PG Summary: Shiraishi sneak attacks Hiyoshi by bringing over items to build the kitty treadmill like they talked about when it was mentioned Cat is a fatty.
Who: Bane & Hiyoshi What: Bane drops by Hiyoshi's to deliver a present after warning him of his coming visit online. When: Nov 24th Where: Hiyoshi's apartment Rating: PG maybe?
Who: Bane & Hiyoshi What: Bane runs across Hiyoshi while out and proceeds to annoy the heck out of him. When: October 19th or thereabouts. Where: A cafe Rating: PG-ish?
Date: August 22nd Rating: PG Summary: Hiyoshi finds himself with a free weekend and decides to visit Bleeding Moon where Saeki promised to personally look after him. Hiyoshi ends up getting more than he bargarined for.
Who- Hiyoshi Wakashi, Ohtori Choutarou What- The former classmates meet again and an unfortunate silver accident occurs. When- Yesterday, June 25 Where- A park near the University Rating- PGish (some minor burn stuff, so high PG?)
Who- Hiyoshi Wakashi and Ohtori Choutarou What- A chance meeting between former highschool classmates prior to Ohtori being biten. When- Today in the late afternoon Where- University hallway Rating- G