99 Questions Meme

Dec 28, 2011 22:44

Stole this from rhetoricians. Comment with the ones you want to see answers for!

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fun, meme

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Comments 23

doriana186 December 29 2011, 12:07:47 UTC
7, 19, 35 and 90!


vampite December 30 2011, 00:37:06 UTC
7: My strangest talent would probably be fixing bikes. Not a strange talent overall, but everyone always seems surprised when they find out that I can do it, hah.

19: Vampite was a typo of the word vampire that I made on a Harry Potter forum a really long time ago, and I adopted it as my username for pretty much everything since then.

35: These memes ask deep questions, lol. I think the meaning of life is just... to find happy, I guess.

90: I would do what any sane person would do: try and sneak out of the room as quietly as possible.


doriana186 December 31 2011, 10:22:21 UTC
Fixing bikes is a useful talent to have!

Finding happiness is probably what everyone's trying to do, I think that's a good answer. :)


hanana_1 December 30 2011, 20:14:49 UTC
4,8, 12, 15, 17, 20, 23, 51, 62, 70, 71, 72, 73, 76, 77 :P jk, 79, 80, 88, 89, 92, 94,

AHHAHAHHA Have fun spending like 30 min on this. XD


vampite December 30 2011, 23:35:45 UTC
4. I can't think of an answer to this, actually XD ( ... )


hanana_1 December 31 2011, 01:16:34 UTC
HHAHHA LOL~ at 89. xD :P

I guess Connor, Alex, and Alex. XDDD Maybe Chris?


vampite December 31 2011, 01:21:30 UTC
XD you're good, you got the first two right, but not the third. You'll never guess the third :p


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