Title: Familiar
Rating: 18
Bands: Malice Mizer, Versailles
Pairing: Gackt X Kami
Summary: Familiar, a shape-shifter in service to a witch. It was never something he had planned, or had even wanted, but it was his life all the same.
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight ~New Chapter~
Chapter Nine
Kami rose to the sounds of a large creature brushing past his waking place and was alert in an instant. Gackt had woke him up deliberately, the panther was capable of being silent if he had wished. His partner waited for a moment in the doorway, checking he had been seen, before slipping through the half open door.
He wanted to be followed Kami knew as he sat up and pushed long red hair away from his face. Glancing at the sleeping man and sprite in the room for a moment he decided he would do just that. Közi had saved them both and got on well with the psychic, he was sure that no harm would come to the human while he was gone. A moment later a leopard followed in the panther's footsteps, following his scent on the wind as it was the only trace that Gackt was close.
“What do you want?” Kami called silently to the panther once he was back in his sight. “It's the middle of the night!”
“The best time to play,” Gackt answered as he began to run. Having no choice Kami followed wondering what the other had planned. Gackt had been nothing but quiet and serious the last few days as they sheltered here, it was a welcome change to find him in this mood.
Reaching a large clearing, Kami glanced up at the full moon and missed the other lunging for his throat. With a howl he found himself pinned and almost panicked before realising this wasn't a real attack. Gackt had other intentions it seemed.
He could have fought back but instead he turned to his human and ran his hand down the panther's soft fur. He'd happily accept this defeat, knowing exactly where it would lead. The weight above him shifted and he was able to pull himself up enough to place his lips on the panther's forehead. When he pulled back one of the most beautiful men he had ever seen was staring down at him, stirring feelings inside him he had rarely felt before. His kind were only aroused when a strong emotional connection was presence, rarely truly enjoying sex with anyone they didn't love with every fibre of their being. It didn't have to be a soulmate, but such a connection only came a handful of times in their immortal existence.
His legs parted and Gackt slipped between them, mouths connecting in a fierce passion as their naked bodies pressed against one another. Neither had bothered to dress their human forms, it hadn't been a necessity or even a consideration.
Gently Kami reached up, running his hand over the smooth skin. Marvelling at how soft Gackt was, how warm and how strong. He couldn't miss how beautiful Gackt was either, it had been one of the very first things he had noticed about the other man.
They wasted little time in getting to know each other, the emotional connection was already there, had always been there. Lust had crept up within him unnoticed until it was too late to turn back. He needed Gackt, he was all he had ever desired. Still there was a need to wait as Gackt made sure they were both ready for this union. With a moan he squirmed slightly on the ground as two long fingers, coated with the lube Gackt must have brought with him, filled him. Burying deeper the pleasure grew within him, never wavering or suggesting it might ever end.
Blue eyes watched him and he smiled, once again reaching up to run his fingers across the others skin. He couldn't believe this was happening, that he had finally found what had been lost to him for so many years. His soulmate, there really was no doubt of that now, if there ever had been at all.
The fingers left him and he felt empty, but moments later Gackt was sliding inside him far more intimately than before. He finally knew what it was to feel whole. He clung to the other as their bodies moved as one, gasping as sharp teeth bit into the skin on his neck. His lover didn't release his grip, and he wouldn't want him to. The bite was just part of the way his kind made love, an act of dominance and possession, but offering pleasure and love to those who understood. Likewise the clawed nails that he ran down Gackt's back was as equally accepted. Gackt was his and he wouldn't always be the one below. Such was the message in the open wounds down the other's back.
Hours later they were still lying naked in the grass without shame of their nudity. In the eyes of their kind there was nothing to be ashamed of at all. Sleepily Kami stared up at the stars wondering what tomorrow would bring.
“Gackt, there's something I must tell you.” Kami said, finding his voice at long last. “Tomorrow I am to meet with a witch.”
“No,” Gackt replied. The word a threat, a warning and a demand all in one despite his tone of voice remaining as calm as it had all night. His objection wasn't expanded on or explained, it just was.
“He's not like Mana,” Kami objected, sighing after Gackt repeated the single word command again.
“You can't trust a witch,” Gackt reminded Kami after they had glared at each other for a long minute. Neither man ready to give in to the other.
“Jasmine helped save you, he's different,” Kami reminded him gently. “I know you're scared but we've talked about this before.”
“I'm not scared, I'm terrified.” Gackt said. It was clear that admitting this was difficult for the proud shape-shifter but he didn't fail to maintain eye contact. “If you do this I'm coming with you. If he attacks you I will rip him to shreds.”
“And I will do the same for you.” Kami promised, rewarding Gackt for his understanding with a quick kiss. “We should go back, before the dawn.”
“Let the dawn come, I want to stay here with you a little while longer.” Gackt suggested. It was the least Kami could do for him, given what was coming later in the day.
A lone falcon circled in a thermal up-draft watching the leopard and panther below. They were beautiful, magnificent specimens of their species and he couldn't help but admire their beauty and grace. Not that he was missing either himself, especially as his feather's appeared more silver than the grey that was normal for his non magical kin. He was a shape-shifter like the two men below, but despite that he knew just how different he was to them. He knew, but didn't mind because he felt no emptiness in his life.
His keen eyes noticed the human below, but knowing he was no threat he turned his attention onto the wild card. A fire sprite, rare but not the first he had seen. From his advantage point he saw much that was missed to those rooted on the ground below.
The sprite wasn't a threat, not yet anyway so he relaxed and descended to a lower altitude. He could hear the conversation below now as Jasmine urged the two cats to take on their human forms. Eagerly the falcon took in the sight of a red haired man, later joined by his dark haired friend. Beautiful, not that he had expected anything less. If only they would trust Jasmine, it would make things easier for everyone involved. They didn't though, not the dark haired man anyway who challenged Jasmine about his desires.
“But I don't need to enslave you,” Jasmine finally explained. He was revealing his wild card then? He had more faith than the falcon had expected to find given their shared past, if he was to reveal the one creature that kept him safe without detection. “I have a familiar who works with me out of his own free will.”
“Then let me meet him,” the dark haired man demanded. Gackt if he was to remember the name correctly.
“Teru, you can come down.” Jasmine called. So it was time? Folding his wings Teru hurtled towards the ground below, catching the air at the last possible moment and landing elegantly by Jasmine's side. He wasted no time before taking on the form of a silver haired boy, just barely old enough to be called a man.
“Hi,” Teru said with a grin. “It's been awhile since I met another shape-shifter.” He could see the strangers watching him as if he was some kind of abnormality but he ignored their scepticism and continued to smile.
“You're happy with him,” the leopard, Kami, eventually said in the silence. Beside him Gackt scoffed but he was the only one who couldn't see the truth. “Can I ask why?”
“We share common loves, and common goals.” Teru explained with a shrug.
“And common loves,” Jasmine finished. “To answer your concerns Gackt, Teru is happy because he has chosen this bond out of his own free will. Besides unlike Mana I'm still mortal. The bond is only for life on my side and I can break it should the future mean we grew apart. Mana is twisted and evil, more so than any wicked witch I've ever met, but I'm not him. If not good at least consider me neutral.”
“You're good!” Teru objected. “He is.” he added as he glared at Gackt.
“What are your plans?” Gackt asked.
“Why? To stop the war of course!” Jasmine replied as if it was obvious. “What Klaha and Mana are doing is disturbing the natural order of things and I for one do not like change.”
“It's more than change,” the psychic Yu~ki, objected going on to describe the things he had seen in his visions. As he spoke Teru's smile faltered. Such evil and cruelty waited in their shared future. He could survive, Jasmine too, but what about the other? The man they had both sworn to protect. The man they both loved with everything they had to give. For his sake they would fight to the bitter end.
“We need to stop this,” Kami announced. His voice echoing true across the group. Beside him Jasmine glanced in his direction, knowing his perspective of others was clearer than most. If Teru trusted these strangers then Jasmine would to. He nodded slightly, surprised that the leopard had noticed the gesture.
“We will,” Jasmine promised. “For humanity, and the human I feel obligated to protect.”
“Hizaki,” Teru added, “We fight for his sake, more than our own.”
“We love him,” Jasmine finished. He said no more, they had already said enough.
“Hizaki, as in Prince Hizaki?” Yu~ki asked. “Why just him? He's not King or heir.”
“Officially I'm the royal magician,” Jasmine admitted, “Sworn to protect the royal family and the kingdom. It's a character flaw that I put my love for Hizaki first.”
“How do we do it?” Gackt demanded, “How do we stop them?”
“I have some ideas, but I will need ingredients.” Jasmine explained. “And help getting them. There's a royal barracks not far from here. It's where Hizaki, and the soldiers that serve him, have laid their line of defence. We shall join him, it's safer than out here. From there we will plan the attack.”
“One more thing,” Gackt said before they left, “What will happen if we succeed? Do you plan to obliterate every vampire from existence? What will stop another from continuing Klaha's cause?”
“When we're done, Kamijo will be king,” Jasmine answered. “Like all vampires he's selfish and ruthless, but he's not cruel or unjust. If I dare say he'd make a better king than Tetsu and Klaha both.
“I'll be the judge of that,” Gackt answered, reluctantly accepting Jasmine's solution for now, “As for getting you ingredients, you mean to use Kami and I as your familiars.”
“For just a little while,” Jasmine replied not failing to meet Gackt's accusing gaze. “Nothing official, you can leave as soon as the battle is won. Before if you should choose. I just need every little help I can if I'm to prepare a magical arsenal. Perhaps my intentions aren't as pure as you might like, or as selfless, but know that I have been nothing but honest with you.”
“We'll help,” Kami promised. Gackt merely returned to his panther form and slunk into the shadows. “He'll follow us, let's go.”
“Wait, I have one more question,” Közi spoke up. He and Yu~ki had been silent so far, Teru had assumed it was because they agreed with their plans but clearly Közi needed more convincing. “This love you have for Hizaki, it's not that of a servant or friend. You both have the same strong feelings for him, and for each other. Why? How? I would say it was the love of lovers but that can't be.”
“Can't it?” Teru asked with a sly smile. Seconds later a silver falcon was returning to the clouds. Let Jasmine explain their complicated relationship with the prince. Such human concerns were beneath him. Their love just was, what was the point of trying to explain it?