Art & Mix Claims Take Two

Aug 12, 2010 18:13

Okay guys, we are almost there. Under the cut are the fics that are still open for an art or mix claims.

( 05 ) for art, have already been claimed for mix
( 05 ) for mix, have already been claimed for art

To claim a story for art or a mix please read through the fics and comment with the following:

Story #/Title:
Claiming for Art or Mix:


Title: Blood & Roses (just the working title at the moment until I can think of something better)
Fandom: Original
Type: Het
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Katherine Plantagenet (OC), Elizabeth of York, Henry VII, Richard III
Warnings Sexual context, non-con, violence
Summary: Set during the end of the Wars of the Roses in English history. Henry Tudor (Henry VII) has just claimed the throne of England after killing Richard III in the Battle of Bosworth Field and is to wed Elizabeth of York, daughter of Edward IV and niece of Richard III. But Richard isn't truly dead; he's in league with vampires and has been transformed into one of them. He sends men to attack Elizabeth's caravan as she travels to London, but they take the wrong girl by mistake: Elizabeth's half-sister, Katherine, bastard daughter of Edward IV, who sacrificed herself to protect her sister. After Elizabeth safely arrives in London and marries Henry, Richard turns Katherine into a vampire and sends her to destroy the king and his now-pregnant queen.

Title: Brethren
Fandom: True Blood
Type: Gen, with a bit of slash and mentions of/implied het
Rating: NC-17/M
Characters/Pairings: Eric, Godric, Bill, Sookie, Pam; Eric/Godric (main pairing), Bill/Sookie (peripheral pairing), past!Eric/Pam (implied)
Warnings Graphic: physical/psychological violence, depiction/discussion of depression; direct mentions of child prostitution; Non-graphic: dub-con (main pairing); Implied: gang rape/torture.
Summary:: Eric dragged himself down from the roof but no further, buckling under his grief. He had suffered and bled for every moment of the centuries of love and affection Godric now despised. It was unfair, it was cruel, it was wrong that they eluded him thus. The embittered rival nursing losses of his own in the same hallway has no sympathy for his reminiscences, and Eric does not want it. And yet, when Eric's last, mad hope is dashed, his sorrow is deep enough that even Bill Compton is reminded of how hard he has tried not to become a monster.

Title: Not Enough Sky
Fandom: (include all of them if more than one, or put Orginial) True Blood, The Vampire Diaries, Twilight, Titanic
Type: (gen, slash, het, crossover - put all that apply) Gen, slash, het, crossover, historical fanfiction, mystery
Rating: R/Mature
Characters/Pairings: Eric/Sookie, Eric/Stefan, Stefan/Damon, Damon/Eric, Edward/Sookie, Edward/Carlisle, Jack/Rose
Warnings None really, harsh language, violence and sex, but the rating should imply such things. Potential character death but I am not sure who or if anyone at this point.
Summary: (try to write 1-3 paragraphs)
April 1912
Set on board the mighty ship Titanic Eric Northman has been sent to Europe to find a thief who has killed a Sheriff and beloved friend of his Queen, the Queen of Louisiana. Along with him on his assignment are Bill Compton who is in charge of the world’s largest written record for Vampires-criminal and other wise and Eric’s Lover Sookie Stackhouse.
The trio meets a variety of passengers on board including Bill’s old comrade in arms from the Civil War, Damon Salvatore and his brother Stefan. Dr. Carlisle Cullen and his son Edward are passengers as well; traveling and working in Europe and all are bound for America for a new life, new beginnings and surprises at every turn…for better or worse.
Having never met another being quite like her, Sookie befriends fellow telepath Edward Cullen and Eric in vain, attempts to recruit Edward to help him on his mission. Bill discovers secrets about Damon’s past and Sookie finds herself in the middle of her lover and her new found friend.
Its Nancy Drew meets Hitchcock with a whole lot of True Blood, Twilight and Vampire Diaries canon thrown in. Who is guilty, who is innocent?
Will Eric, Bill and Sookie find out who killed the Queen’s friend and up and coming Sheriff of Louisiana? No one can be trusted. Everyone is a suspect and everyone on board is running from or towards something but in the end it becomes a game of life and death in an entirely different way. Who will survive the sinking of the grandest ship in the world as it claims life after life and who will wish they hadn’t?

Title: Consequences Be Damed
Fandom: Stargate SG-1 and Twilight
Type: Crossover: Gen.
Rating: 15
Characters/Pairings: Clone!Jack O'Neill, Daniel Jackson, Bella Cullen (nee Swan), Cullen family. Canon pairings.
Warnings None that I can think of. Spoilers: Ignores Breaking Dawn. AU. Timelines have been adjusted to fit with the fic.
Summary: Bella Swan chose to become a vampire knowing full well the consequences of that choice. She had been warned, repeatedly, about the pitfalls of being a vampire and the half-life that they lead. Still, it didn't sway Bella because becoming a vampire was the only choice she felt she could make. For the first year of her vampire life everything went gone smoothly, better than any of them could have hoped. Her life is pretty much perfect, at least it was until Bella went on a hunting trip with her sisters and came across a boy fishing by a lake in Minnesota. In a moment of weakness, Bella feeds off what she thinks is her first human, but instead is the fifteen year old clone of Colonel Jack O'Neill. She doesn't kill him, but some of the family begin to wish she had when it comes to light that he's more than they first thought and that his connection to the human world could destroy them.

Title: A Slow Burn On Sunsets
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Type: gen
Rating: T
Characters/Pairings: Damon/Elena, Elena/Stefan, Stefan/Katherine, past Damon/Katherine, Anna, Pearl
Warnings Violence
Summary: One job: to pose as the wife of her ex-boyfriend Damon Salvatore, the one who broke her heart and left without any explanation. One aim: to piece apart who makes up the hierarchy of the legendary Pierce family, the vampires running the world. One problem: things - both to do with her job and her aim - are turning out to be not as black-and-white as she first thought.

With the masquerade ball coming closer by the day, Elena is discovering that the facts she thought were immovable might not be so sure after all, and the Pierces are much more in control than anybody had thought possible.

Turns out this is going to be the most difficult thing she’s ever done. And that includes losing Damon Salvatore.


Title: Concerto in A minor (tentative title)
Fandom: Bandom (PATD-centric)
Type: slash, AU
Rating: NC-17 / Hard R
Characters/Pairings: Spencer Smith/Brendon Urie (Ryan Ross, Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Others.)
Warnings explicit sexual context, dub-con, violence, (technical) character death (there's a vampire! turning a human!), spousal-abuse, fucked up relationship dynamics, marriage=ownership ideals.
Summary: As the prince of the vampire royal blood line, Spencer's known since he was turned that one day, he would have a mate. In order to keep human-vampire relations civil, it would have to be a human mate. One that he would change himself, to keep the bloodlines pure.

Of course, being the prince of the vampire royal blood line has gone to Spencer's head a bit. Instead of treating his new mate as an equal, he treats him as just another in a long line of possessions to use and throw away.

Spencer will have to learn that treating his mate like a toy easily replaced once broken isn't an option. He has to learn to view his mate as just that. His mate.

Title: Bloodlust, Type O
Fandom: RPF- IAMX/Robots in Disguise
Type: Het
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Chris Corner/Sue Denim
Warnings Slight sexual content, character undeath (ie changing into a vampire)
Summary: Chris Corner has 2 monsters to deal with. The public monster of X and a much more private monster in the form of vampirism. He also has his sunshine girl, Suzy who fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately) loves all of him, no matter what. Which of course means she won't stop hoping until Chris gives her the forever he's always promised not matter what the cost.

Also I'm more than happy to direct people to pictures of both Chris and Sue.

Title: Esme's Happy Ending
Fandom: (include all of them if more than one, or put Orginial): Twilight
Type: (gen, slash, het, crossover - put all that apply): Gen & Het
Rating: PG-13 for now possibly R
Characters/Pairings:Carlisle/Esme, Edward, Rosalie (possibly the Indians from Jacob's grandfather's generation)
Warnings (sexual context, non-con, violence, strong language, characters death, etc - if there is anything in your fic potential artists should be warned about include it) depression triggers as it begins with Esme's human suicide
Summary: (try to write 1-3 paragraphs) Esme was devestated by the loss of her husband and child. So great her depression, she chose to end it all in a cowardly fashion. However, Carlisle saw something very different in the young widow. He saw strength, kindness and the woman to whom his heart belonged. Willing to leave her alone so she could be happy as a human, he was unwilling to let her die. With the help of his firstborn, Edward who can read minds, they will help her heal and start a new life. Can this vampiric life be Esme's happy ending? Will she forgive Carlisle for turning her and can she learn to love him?

Title: Waiting for You Essence
Fandom: Twilight
Type: Het
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Bella/Edward
Summary: As Halloween approaches, Bella Swan's dreams are stalked by a mysterious man, one who seems to have an irresistible lure for her, and who desires one thing - to drink from her. Troubled by her nighttime visitations and the declining health of her grandmother, she is startled when he grandmother gives her a box - her birthright as the first-born daughter in her generation. Does the mysterious box contain the answers she seeks? Or like Pandora's Box, does it merely open a host of greater mysteries?

Title: A Shade of Infinite
Fandom: Blade Trinity
Type: Slash
Rating: NC17
Characters/Pairings: Drake/Hannibal
Warnings sexual content, violence
Summary: In an alternative reality where Hannibal is a vampire and is Drake's partner, he finds that life as the right hand of the High King is not as perfect as it was all made out to be. The House of Erebus is about to be reformed, and the clans are vying to impress. Having never met any vampire (other than Blade, and to be absolutely honest, Drake) whom Hannibal had not wanted to immediately stake, he has other plans - if the Daywalker doesn't decide to kill him first for what he is.

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