Round 2 Artist Claims

Aug 12, 2011 16:11


It is now time for artists and mixers to claim stories for Round 2 of the Vampire Big Bang. We have 34 stories up for grabs!

- Each story can be claimed once for art and once for mix
- Artists and Mixers can only claim one story, if a person signed up as an Artist AND Mixer they are allowed to claim 1 story for art and 1 story for mix (or they can claim the same story for Art AND Mix)
- If an Artist/Mixer wants to claim one story for art and one for mix they need to make a NEW comment for each claim (if they are claiming the same story for both just put Art and Mix in the the claim).
- Once 24 hours have passed artists/mixers will be allowed to claim a second and even third story, that way everything can get claimed (we have less artists signed up then stories).

To claim a story read the list under the cut and comment with the following to make your claim:

First Choice #Title:
Second Choice #Title:
Third Choice #Title:
Art or Mix:

24 hours after making a claim you should receive an email with your author’s contact information.


Title: Shadow of a Man
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Type: slash
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Xander/Spike
Warnings non-con, angst
Summary: The fic begins in BtVS season 4. Spike is at a desperate place--hunted by the Initiative, unable to feed himself, and still unaware that the chip allows him to hurt demons. But Xander's also doing poorly. He's been going from one bad job to another, his friends are moving on, and Anya has just dumped him. Spike has taken refuge in Xander's basement, and Xander has taken refuge in alcohol. One night, Xander's drunkenness and anger lead him to an act that has ongoing consequences for them both.

ARTIST - ixcacao
MIXER - ixcacao

Title: Untitled (for now)
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/The Vampire Diaries
Type: Gen with canon het (and flirting because Damon always flirts)
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Buffy Summers, Willow Rosenberg, all characters from TVD season 2.
Warnings None
Summary: John Gilbert is a friend of the old Watcher's Council and now has an uneasy truce with the new council. When he calls with information about a vampire trying to break a curse that could allow vampires to walk in the sun, Buffy and Willow head to Mystic Falls to help.

They arrive in the middle of chaos. Werewolves descend on the town, trying to find one of their own. Bonnie confronts the other witches and takes dangerous leaps in her magic. Buffy tries to protect Elena when the original vampire Elijah comes to town, despite being distracted by Damon.

ARTIST - csichick_2
MIXER - dhfreak

Title: (we are all just, so preciously, human) this is what makes the distance between us
Fandom: Fringe, Flashforward
Type: Femslash
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Olivia Dunham/Janis Hawk
Warnings Mild sexual content, mild blood/violence content.
Summary: Special Agent Janis Hawk doesn't know what to expect when she gets transferred out of the FBI's field office in Los Angeles and is sent across the country to work in Boston as part of the Fringe Division. She is assigned work as a member of the Science Team and is soon shocked to discover that the team is primarily focused on the study and hunting of vampires, a scientific product of the alt!universe who have found their way into our universe. Janis' life is further complicated by her feelings for and interesting relationship with co-worker Special Agent Olivia Dunham, a charming vampire who hunts her own kind.

ARTIST - casper_san
MIXER - ixcacao

Title: Eternity
Fandom: Star Trek TNG
Type: slash
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Wesley/Riker, Data
Warnings Well, it's vampires so there is some blood drinking. Though Wesley has been alive for over 100 years, he was turned when he was sixteen, so some may view as underage. Tiny bit of violence. Wesley acting like a lovestruck teenage girl at times.
Summary: Wesley is drawn to the man that has been eyeing him for the past few days. There’s just something about him, and he smells delicious. Wesley decides he needs to meet the man, so he introduces himself, and gets more than he bargained for.

In finally meeting Will, Wesley hadn’t imagined that he was meeting the man he was supposed to spend all eternity with, and while this idea sits very well with Wesley, Will has no intention of ever letting Wesley change him.

When Will is hurt, Wesley is forced to change him to keep him alive. Will claims that he had decided to let Wesley change him anyway, but now that he has, can their relationship survive the new (and not so improved) Will?

ARTIST - rainyrocket
MIXER - solara1357

Title: It Came With Best Regards
Fandom: Torchwood, Doctor Who
Type: Slash (with some minor het)
Rating: NC-17, Adult
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Owen, Tosh
Warnings violence, sexual context, rape, strong language, character death
Summary: The doctor is busy and as a result Cardiff gets taken over by an alien species that's called "vampire" on earth. Their hunger is big, the kills are quick and after two days half of Cardiff is drowning in blood, half of Cardiff is infected with vampire venom, that will turn if they aren't cured within the first 12 hours. The serum is rare, hard to be found, so are its ingredients, the Torchwood team discovers. But they are Torchwood, they're good, but also human, and though they can cure a few, two of their own don't make, they turn into vampires and are out for blood, and the only way to stop them is to kill them, them and the 600 aliens sharpening their teeth at the good old Cymru buffet.

ARTIST - caz2y5
MIXER - crescent_gaia

Title: They’re Just Big Fluffy Puppies With Bad Teeth…Right?
Fandom: Supernatural/Angel the Series
Type: slash, crossover
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Castiel; Angel/Spike
Warnings sexual content, violence, strong language, characters death, darkness, slight horror elements, bloodplay
Summary: There’s something happening in Barrow, Alaska. The town is being overrun by vampires who’re revelling in the month-long almost 24-hour a day darkness. Half the townsfolk are in hiding, the other half are in denial - and are ending up as food.
Sam and Dean decide that they might need some extra help on this one. They get a little more than they bargain for when Angel and Spike introduce them to Illyria. Having an ex-god on their side might help their cause even if Dean’s angel thinks it’s a very bad idea indeed.

ARTIST - deadflowers5
MIXER - sucksucksmile

Title: In the Ground Our Bodies Lay
Fandom: Supernatural
Type: Slash (with some minor het)
Rating: NC-17, Adult
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean, Bobby, Bela, Ruby, Lilith, and some others
Warnings violence, sexual context, rape, strong language, character death
Summary: Sam gets kidnapped by a group of vampires out for revenge. They torture him, humiliate him, while Dean and Bobby are looking for him. It's not until about two months later that Dean gets a call, Sam could escape, and it's in a small town in the middle of Nowhere, Texas that Dean finally finds him, bleeding and bruised with angry vampires lurking behind a grocery store. A week later the boys are dead, sucking the life, the blood out of everyone that crosses their path, and boy, hunters do, demons do, and then there's this thing where Dean's deal with Lilith comes due, and a hellhound is licking his gruesome lips for a live action vampire called Dean Winchester. Set in Season Three.

ARTIST - juliet42
MIXER - uhlxlohs

Title: Romeo and Juliet: Fangs and Claws Edition
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Type: Het
Rating: PG-13-R
Characters/Pairings: Caroline Forbes/Tyler Lockwood (background: Elena/Damon)
Warnings May be sexual content, I'm still working on it. Strong language at times (Damon and his mouth lol) but that's mostly it. Spoilers of the last few episodes of the show, perhaps? (If you haven't seen it.)
Summary: Set after the events of Season 2's finale.

Caroline is just coming to terms with everything that has happened. Having to be a high schooler is bad enough. Having to add fangs and a new werewolf best friend is just an extra coating to the craziness. With Tyler back and Matt somewhat out of the picture, Caroline starts to recognize a change in their relationship. Add some parental bull about keeping the two apart for awhile and it makes for an interesting story that not even Romeo and Juliet could have handled.

ARTIST - sucksucksmile
MIXER - sucksucksmile

Title: Your Kiss is Like Fire
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Type: Het
Rating: NC17
Characters/Pairings: Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert
Warnings sexual context, strong language.
“Your Kiss is Like Fire” focuses on the five kisses/almost kisses between Damon and Elena, and the growing nature of both their relationship and his humanity. It is told through Damon’s perspective during key events in the series, as he deals with the myriad of emotions that seem to plague him; desire, frustration, jealousy, anger, bitterness, guilt, and love. The story is broken into 6 parts, with the final chapter deals with the after-effects of the second season finale, and Damon’s struggle to remain in control of his demon; especially when Elena continuously tests the limits of that control.

ARTIST - ibonekoen
MIXER - ixcacao

Title: Wish Me Well
Fandom: vampire diaries x angel-the series
Type: gen, het
Rating: pg-13
Characters/Pairings: Mostly Damon/Elena, Stefan/Faith. Hints of Alaric/Fred, Jeremy/Fred.
Warnings None, some bad language.
Summary: Story takes place after season 4 of ATS, but BEFORE Faith arrives to Sunnydale in Season 7 of BTVS. The story doesn't have anything to do with plots from either BTVS or ATS.

The story opens with Faith and Fred arriving in Mystic Falls, Virginia. Lorne got a reading that something really bad was happening in the town - apocalypse bad. With everyone over occupied in Los Angeles and Sunnydale, Angel decides to send Fred to investigate Mystic Falls. Faith is there mostly to "protect" her and obviously avert the apocalypse if there will be one.

In Mystic Falls, Faith soon realizes that the vampires aren't anything like she's ever seen before. The Salvatore brothers walking in the sun really freaks her out, until she finds out they are wearing protection rings. She's attracted to Damon, but he's very standoffish and rude to her because he's wary of outsiders coming into town and asking questions. Faith ends up liking Stefan in the story.

Meanwhile Fred bonds with Alaric because of they are both academic brains, but she also tries to score some pot from Jeremy if she can.

The plot of the story is Fred investigating why there could be a potential apocalypse in Mystic Falls. She begins to read the diaries of the founders of the town to unlock the town's secrets. The secrets of the town lead her to 'it girl' Elena Gilbert - which really pisses off Damon in the process.

ARTIST - skylar0grace
MIXER - skylar0grace

Title: Entangled
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Type: het
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Caroline/Damon, Katherine/Damon, Caroline/Damon/Katherine
Warnings: violence
Summary: The fic is set in the future where vampires are public knowledge. A cure for vampirism has been discovered and the social upheaval is immense and dangerous. Caroline finds herself becoming a reluctant hero and spokeswoman for the vampire community. Life only gets more complicated when a figure from her past appears on her doorstep in a surprising state.

ARTIST - uhlxlohs
MIXER - uhlxlohs


Title: Nitrous and Blood
Fandom: The Fast and the Furious
Type: Slsh, implied het
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Dom Toretto/Brian O'Conner, Vince, Mia Toretto, Letty, Leon, Jesse, Hector, Hobbs, implied Braga and Verone
Warnings Strong language, violence, sexual content, and possible dub-con
Summary: It's The Fast and the Furious with fangs. It follows, very loosely the plot of the first movie, with elements from movies 2, 4, and 5 mixed in.

Set in a very different L.A. where vampires run the show, Brian O'Conner is a fugutive from the law, or he would be if anyone knew he was breaking the law. Then he has the misfortune to meet the vanpire in charge, Dominic Toretto. From that point on, it's all about holding his ground against a force of nature and his own feelings...

ARTIST - karahalliwell
MIXER - ixcacao

Title: Some Kind of Monster
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot (Star Trek XI)
Type: Slash
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Leonard McCoy/James T. Kirk, eventually Leonard McCoy/James T. Kirk/Spock
Warnings non-con (not between the three major principles), gore, bloodplay, eventual threesome, mentions of mpreg.
Summary: A routine mission to a previously unexplored planet goes awry when the natives kidnap and imprison Captain James T. Kirk, Leonard McCoy, and Spock. Trapped in a cell, the three members of the Enterprise spend days wondering what their captives want. While their basic needs are seemingly met; Jim realizes that his lover, McCoy, is becoming weaker by the day.

Jim knows that McCoy isn't quite like him and even more different than Spock. He decides he will provide for McCoy the best way that he can, but he doesn't count on McCoy fighting him on it. Spock, who knows of Jim and McCoy's relationship and is already suspicious of McCoy's true nature, decides he will not sit idly by. Although admitting to feelings is not the Vulcan way, he does care a great deal about these two men and he will not see them hurt in any way.

Meanwhile, the inhabitants of the planet finally decide to make their intentions known. Jim, the first to be taken, is uncertain as to the reason behind the experiment performed on him. It makes him feel vulnerable and somewhat dirty, but as captain of the Enterprise, he carries on as though unaffected. McCoy and Spock, angered at the treatment of their captain, come up with a plan; one that relies on McCoy's unique talents. The aftermath has some serious repercussions for the three of them. Will their bond survive?

ARTIST - rainyrocket
MIXER - solara1357

Title: “The Substance of Nightmares”
Fandom: Twilight
Genre/Type: AU, Slash
Rating: M/NC-17
Pairing: Edward/Carlisle
Warnings: explicit m/m sexual content, mild, non-graphic violence, minor character death.

Summary: Vampires are a legend, myth. They are the stuff of nightmare, born from superstition, fear, and the remnants of old prejudices. But now Edward must reevaluate everything he thought he knew about truth and reality, about monsters and legends.

Edward is a graduate student struggling to complete his dissertation. He’s overworked, stressed, and tired. And he’d really rather not go back to his advisor to ask for yet another extension. Unfortunately, however, looming deadlines are soon to become the least of his problems. He’s hearing the voices again, but he knows he’s not going mad (he can’t be!). But then something happens that threatens to throw his entire world off its axis. Something that will threaten his sanity, his hold on reality, and ultimately his life.

On his way home one evening, Edward encounters a stranger…a stranger who knows exactly who he is and who wants something Edward possesses quite desperately.

And suddenly Edward is plunged into a world of nightmares. A world where the legends are true and monsters exist. He must re-evaluate everything he’s ever believed in order to survive (and hopefully find love along the way).

ARTIST - enchantedpanda

Title:Chronicles of a Newborn
Rating: NC-17
Warnings:sexual context, vampires feeding on animals, memories of child abuse (very mild)
Summary: This story is meant to be a sequel to another story I wrote called The Inadvertent Voyeur. However, it is not necessary to read that story to understand this one. The Inadvertent Voyeur is posted on here:

The story takes place four years after Edward’s change. After a heated quarrel, Edward leaves the house to hunt and cool down. Knowing that Edward always returns and apologizes after he quenches his thirst, Carlisle bides his time and comforts himself by burying himself in his books. Unexpectedly, he finds the journal that he wrote during Edward’s first year as a vampire. Beginning with the experience of Edward’s birth into immortality, he wistfully peruses the pages that chronicle the time they spent together that year. The journal describes Edward’s first experiences hunting, hearing other minds, meeting other people and vampires and his first sexual encounter after his change.

The last entry in the journal contains Edward’s painful realization that his human memories of his parents are fading and he desperately tries to find ways to remember them in the best light. Shortly after this Edward returns and lays his head on Carlisle’s lap apologizing for his harsh words. Because he has heard Carlisle’s mind, Edward tells him that he was always a better father to him that his own father and Carlisle replies that it was never his intention to take his father’s place.

ARTIST - tularia
MIXER - crescent_gaia

Title: Northern General
Fandom: Twilight
Type: slash
Rating: M
Characters/Pairings: Carlisle/Edward
Warnings: Potential for sexual content
Summary: Carlisle has lived for over 300 years. His life had taken a downward spiral of boredom, loneliness, and apathy, until he is encouraged to take a new position of an instructor of third year medical students. One interesting student has the potential to change his outlook on life and his world forever. The only problem is that the student is only 16.

ARTIST - sisterglitch
MIXER - tour_treasure

Title: Recrortus
Fandom: Twilight
Type: Sci-fi, slash
Rating: M
Characters/Pairings: Carlisle/Edward
Warnings Medical Procedure, Character Death (Adult and Infant), Strong Language, Sexual Content,
Kicked out of his genetic research facility, Wilhelm finds himself with an unusual Italian benefactor who wishes him to modify his research to the unique field of genetic mapping and modification of vampires. Performing this task, both as human and vampire, Wilhelm is permitted to perform experiments on key vampire individuals, in which rare samples of human DNA had been collected at their turning. The experiments make little progress and Wilhelm is left with only one sample of material left, that of a particular ‘vegetarian’ mind reader.

2015, Carlisle and Edward Cullen live in domestic bliss, only interrupted by Edwards intermittent mental breakdowns, caused by his constant proximity to human minds. One day Edward vanishes, returning two months later with no memory of events. Things become more bizarre when he soon starts to display symptoms of pregnancy, which to their amazement and wonder the two vampires discover they are actually going to be fathers.

A visit from a friend from Volterra and a confrontation with Wilhelm results in Edwards condition being divulged to Aro. The expectant father and his mate are forcefully relocated to Volterra for the pregnancy and beyond. Then a Birth, Death and Madness. The arrival of baby Cullen into the world is one of pain, despair and tragedy. Do the little family triumph over science, nature and the Volturi?

ARTIST - davincis_girl

Title: Immortalis Caris
Fandom: Twilight, Let the Right One In, original
Type: slash
Rating: M
Characters/Pairings: Carlisle / Edward
Warnings: sexual content, drug abuse, OOC, non-canon
Summary (spoilers): Carlisle is a low-paid Licensed Vocational Nurse, an ex-meth addict from Chicago. He is trying to forge a new life now that he is one-year clean. He has always been an outsider who has trouble fitting into any normal societal framework.

He meets Dee, an oddly boyish young woman who shares his fascination with puzzles. Captivated, he pursues her, and to his surprise, she is responsive to his pursuit. She lives with a half-breed outlaw biker guy in an expensive condo by the hospital where Carlisle works. He begins to develop a relationship with her. They become intimate and he longs to become her permanent companion.

However, her life is far stranger and more complex than he could possibly have imagined. She is not a woman, she is an ancient male vampire named Edward", and her male companion, Jess, is her procurer. She provides a home for Jess and allows him his meth habit. He provides the victims from which she feeds. She/he's looking for a replacement -- in Carlisle.

When Carlisle falls in love with "Dee", not only is his sobriety threatened, but his safety, his very identity, are challenged when he learns the truth about the person he loves.

ARTIST - kyilliki

Real Person Fiction

Title: We'll Shoot Back Holy Water Like Cheap Whiskey
Fandom: My Chemical Romance, The Used, Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, HIM, Paramore
Type: slash
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Frank/Gerard, slight Bob/Frank, Mikey/Quinn, Mikey/Brendon, Mikey/Ray, hinted Pete/Patrick, Hayley/Jepha
Warnings sexual context, violence, strong language, character deaths
Summary: A True Blood AU (based off of the first season). Frank is a telepath. He doesn't know why he has the power, all he knows is that for as long as he can remember, he's been able to read people's thoughts. Gerard shows up in town, the first vampire Frank has ever met since they 'came out of the coffin,' and he finds himself completely enamored with him. Add this to the fact that there seems to be a serial killer taking out people involved with vampires, and Frank is faced with some of the most dangerous days of his life. A tale about what happens when you fall in love with a vampire.

ARTIST - solarbaby614
MIXER - wtfbrain

Title: Why don't you just drop dead?
Fandom: Bandom (Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, The Academy Is..., other cameos)
Type: Slash
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Brendon/Spencer
Warnings: Violence, sexual content, language, major (temporary) and minor (permanent) character death, drug/alcohol abuse
Summary: Brendon wanted to be a rock star just like Pete Wentz. Spencer wanted to help Ryan out of his self-destructive cycle. But they both ended up undead and in the middle of the world's biggest clique war. Can they save their city from being torn apart by vampires and look dapper while they do it? (A Little Less Sixteen Candles AU.)

ARTIST - creepylicious
MIXER - creepylicious

Title: A State of Orange (temporary title)
Fandom: bandom
Type: active slash
Rating: nc17
Characters/Pairings: Frank/Mike Pedicone, Frank/Mikey, Frank/Gerard, Frank/Ray. Background Mikey/Pete/Joe, Gerard/Bert
Warnings sexual content, some infidelity, accusations of dub con(does not actually occur)
Summary: Being a halfling in a Red state can sometimes cause issues for Frank Iero. He’s the weakest at Jett Clement High School, and probably the entire state (not counting the meal plans). His moods are oddly stable, as much as he tries to be mercurial. And being able to withstand the sun for up to twenty minutes only allows him more time to be forced into chores.

Still, his parents are insane if they think he’s going to be happy about their decision. Frank doesn’t want to move to a Mixed state. How is he supposed to get great friends? How is he supposed to find great food? How is he supposed to have great sex?

Unfortunately for Frank, he doesn’t have a choice. He’s New Jersey bound for the next year, if not longer. He’ll be surrounded by tame vampires who have been nagged out of a sex drive, and humans he’s not allowed to eat. Mixed states suck.

ARTIST - xsilverdreamsx
MIXER - verbyna

Title: There's A Lot Of Vampires Out There
Fandom: Bandom - My Chemical Romance
Type: Slash
Rating: NC17
Characters/Pairings: Gerard/Frank, Mike Pedicone, James Dewees, slight hints of Mikey/Ray
Warnings Sex. Mild violence. None major character death. Vampires.
Summary: In the year 2025 over 90% of the word's population are vampires. These days, vampires don't have to prowl alleys for human victims, massive medical co-operations mass produce blood and inject it in to every day food. Gerard Way is an office boy for one of the biggest companies in the US, and when he's not paper pushing for Vladimir Co he's plotting to find his still human brother with his companion, Frank.

ARTIST - solarbaby614
MIXER - creepylicious

Title: Remember my name
Fandom: CW RPS AU
Type: Slash
Rating: NC17
Characters/Pairings: J2, Mike/Tom, Chris/Steve, unrequited Jensen/Misha (implied)
Summary: If every story starts with a hero, then we have it all wrong, because Jensen is not a hero. He's a perfectly normal, run-of-the-mill middle-aged man, with an ordinary life in a boring town; the only unusual thing in his life is his job at a secret organization that monitors the activities of supernatural beings around the world. Even there, though, Jensen is just a normal, dull accountant, and that's exactly how he likes it, until suddenly the men in charge of surveiling some gypsies-suspected of being something way less friendly and with way more teeth-mysteriously disappear, and everything gets turned upside down. Begrudgingly thrown in the center of the action, Jensen will have to make friends with the gypsies and discover what's hidden in their reserved community; the outcome seems clear enough, but they are different from what Jensen expected, and he most certainly didn't expect to meet a gypsy like Jared...but then again, nothing is what it seems in this story, and we've just started to tell it.

ARTIST - coffeegirl18
MIXER - tygermine

Title: (Currently Untitled Ambiguously Vampiric Celebrity Fic)
Fandom: CW RPS, AI 8 RPS
Type: crossover, slash
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Adam Lambert, Kris Allen, various and sundry band members but in particular Monte Pittman and Tommy Ratliff, Allison Iraheta, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles; Adam/Kris, implied previous Adam/Jared, Jared/Jensen
Warnings Language, implied sexual content, violence including eroticized bloodplay, kidnapping, brief torture, BIGOTRY (main plot point, both against vampires and homosexuals.)
Summary: Adam Lambert is a rockstar. Part of his popularity is that he is ambigous about his fangs-does he have them? Doesn't he? He won't say and neither will anyone close to him. When he meets Kris Allen, it's love at first sight, but their prominent relationship-both as a gay couple and as a potentially mixed couple (fang and normal)--gains them unwanted attention in the form of death theats. Then Kris disappears.

Meanwhile, Jared Padalecki, fang and close friend of Adam's, is up in Canada, seducing one Jensen Ackles. Jensen has had very little contact with fangs, and is unsure how to respond to Jared's advances. He's just a Texas boy, this is all sort of happening too fast for him. When Jared suddenly gets called to LA, Jensen goes with him, unwilling to give up something they're just starting to sort out.

First Paragraph: Adam Lambert, prominent celebrity, superstar, and rock god, meets Kris Allen, songwriter and plaid wearer, on a Thursday. Adam thinks this is fitting, because he's always liked Thursdays. Kris doesn't actually remember that it was a Thursday. He does remember that he was wearing one of the pink sparkly plaid shirts his ex-girlfriend Katy had gotten him for his birthday last year. Later, Kris will claim it was the sparkle that caught Adam's eye, and the horror of the plaid that paralyzed him into staying long enough to get to know Kris. Adam just smiles and nods when Kris says things like this. He's never going to admit that he sort of liked the pink sparkly plaid, after all.

MIXER - moirariordan

Title: Eventide
Fandom: Kane RPS (with Leverage, CW and White Collar RPS)
Type: slash and het, crossover
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Christian Kane/Steve Carlson, brief instances of Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki, Jeffrey Dean Morgan/Hilarie Burton, Timothy Hutton/Christian Kane, Aldis Hodge/Christian Kane, Gina Bellman/Christian Kane, Beth Riesgraf/Christian Kane, Matt Bomer/Christian Kane, Gina Bellman/Jeri Ryan, Jeffrey Dean Morgan/Matt Bomer
Warnings non-con, blood play
Summary: Eventide is an exclusive members only club for creatures of the night. Only humans who have been Invited are allowed to enter. When an uninvited human stumbles in - one he had previously warned away - Steve's life (and the lives of his friends) gets turned upside down as he tries to save the human from a fate worse than death at the hands of the most powerful vampire in town.

ARTIST - chosenfire28

Title: Pray To God This Breath Will Last
Fandom: Kane RPS, Angel the Series RPS
Type: Slash
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Christian Kane/Steve Carlson, Christian Kane/David Boreanaz, Jeffery Dean Morgan
Warnings sexual content, violence, language, non-con, dubcon
Summary: Christian is in love with his best friend David who only thinks of him as a ‘friend with benefits’. But one night, Christian goes over to David’s for a booty call to discover that David’s no longer human. And David doesn’t want to leave Christian behind.

Meanwhile, Steve has been a vampire for a long time, but a vampire without a home amongst his own kind. Inexplicably drawn to humans and yet outside them, he travels the world observing and occasionally visiting other vampire nests. But when he visits a vampire nest in LA, he discovers a human being kept there that pulls him out of his objective role.

But is Steve willing to make himself a fugitive from other vampires to save a human?

ARTIST - ixcacao

Title: An Unlikely Bond
Fandom: (include all of them if more than one, or put Orginial) CW RPS AU
Type: (gen, slash, het, crossover - put all that apply) slash, het
Rating: NC-17
Jensen/Jared, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Gerald Padalecki, Sophia Bush, Sandy McCoy, Misha Collins, Chad Michael Murray, Christian Kane, Steve Carlson, Mike Rosenbaum, Tom Welling, Katie Cassidy, Jim Beaver, Danneel Harris, Alona Tal, Mitch Pileggi, Sebastian Spence, Jake Abel, Josh Ackles, Robert Wilson, Cindy Sampson, Frederic Lehne, Mark Pelligrino
Warnings (sexual context, non-con, violence, strong language, characters death, etc - if there is anything in your fic potential artists should be warned about include it) rape/non-con, slash, abuse, bottom!Jared, molestation, unwanted bloodletting, violence, strong language. Jensen is a vampire, Jared is a slayer (I don't know if I need to warn artists about this, but it's here just to be safe.)
Summary: (try to write 1-3 paragraphs)
`Let the chase begin…' Jared is a vampire hunter; Jensen is a vampire. Love at first sight? Hardly; Jared is a bitter, world-weary vampire hunter at just 22 years old, his sacred but lonely birthright. Jensen is more than 500 years old and has seen more than most can imagine, and has killed more than one slayer in the past; but as soon as Jensen sees Jared, something changes. He doesn’t want to kill Jared. He wants Jared in his bed; permanently. But Jared is no ordinary hunter, as proved by his age when most slayers barely survive their teens. Jared has visions of the future, but can never see his own. Having been trained to fight from childhood Jared is without peer when fighting, but knows nothing of living. He’s never had a lover, his only relationship went terribly wrong, and he’s been deprived of many comforts in life. Despite having a trusted support network that would do anything for him and follow him to their death, in the end Jared is always alone.

When Jensen realizes they are each other’s equal in skill, he proposes a truce which Jared very reluctantly accepts and the two present a formidable fighting team; if they can just stop arguing for five minutes. However it soon becomes apparent that Jensen and Jared have bigger problems than each other. Two Master Vampires, older, deadlier and more powerful than even Jensen are on the prowl for Jared and won’t rest until he’s dead. Jensen, in a desperate act to protect Jared, bonds with him, uniting them forever. Once Jared accepts this, and they become lovers, no force on earth will be able to stop them. All Jensen has to do is convince Jared, he is Jared's soul mate, bed Jared and try not to let Jared kill him and save the world. The only problem is that time is running out.

ARTIST - inanna_maat
MIXER - inanna_maat

Title: The Secrets We Can't Tell
Fandom: Professional Cycling RPF
Type: Slash
Rating: R/NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Ben Swift/Geraint Thomas
Warnings some violence and character death, but no real major characters or anything really tragic
Summary: A Team Sky/HTC Highroad college AU

Ben and Geraint are average college students and best friends. Ben's been nursing a crush on Geraint for ages and all their friends know -- except for Geraint. And then one day Geraint stops hanging out with them and isn't showing up to any of his classes. Ben, and his friends, don't know what's going on, and then Ben starts to worry. But every time he tries to talk to Geraint, he can't get anything out of him.

Eventually Ben discovers Geraint's secret --- one of Geraint's drama professors (Professor Wiggins) tricked Geraint and turned him into a vampire. Now that Ben knows, he has to figure out if he'll accept Geraint the way he is. And if he does, he'll have to deal with the fact that the boy he's in love with isn't human any more -- and his life is something much more dangerous than partying late on a Friday night and skipping classes to go to rock concerts.

MIXER - tour_treasure

Title: Untitled (at the minute)
Fandom: Cycling RPF
Type: slash
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Murilo Fischer/Tyler Farrar (implied Tyler Farrar/Thor Hushovd).
Warnings blood, violence? and undead humour
Summary: For a hungry vampire at a race there are only so many ways to feed, and they all start and end with biting someone. Murilo's not to thrilled about his options no matter how pushy Jonathan is about it. He's even less thrilled when instinct takes over and he bites the one man he knows he shouldn't. They're still not talking by the first training camp of the season - well Tyler's been trying but Murilo is too busy trying to pretend it never happened. Training camp is meant to be a chance for them to relax and get to know their new team members (whoever heard of a vampire relaxing in the Cayman Islands?) but Murilo is pretty certain that an order from their boss to play nice isn't going to be enough. Things changed that night and no amount of denial will contain the urge he gets to kill Thor everytime the ex Cervelo man talks to his sprinter. Thankfully Tyler is blissfully aware of the affect he has on Murilo but Thor has a big mouth for someone who's newly turned so it's not guaranteed to stay that way. As long as Tyler doesn't find out just how much Murilo wants another taste then everything will be fine. If he does then Murilo isn't sure that centuries worth of defenses are going to stop the predator becoming the prey.

ARTIST - sparklycockles


Title: Die by the drop
Fandom: Orginial
Type: gen, slash, het
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: m/m, m/w
Warnings sexual context, violence, strong language, cross-dressing
Summary: Things Emila has to deal with since she met William: more Hunters, love-sick vampires, shadow-men, sinister plans, conspiracies, telling him all about the great vampire revolution, stupid humans, bad writing, her own past catching up with her and well, her feelings for William and the boy he's in love with. And then there are of course the days when she doesn't feel like being sane at all.
Dimitri stares at him. “You’re a girl? I was sure you-“
“I’m not a girl,” Andrej cuts in. “Come in?”
“Sure,” Dimitri answers. There is something in his eyes Andrej doesn’t like.
“Coffee?” he asks, throwing his shoes in a corner as he makes his way to the kitchen.
“Did you just get back home?”
“I was out. Clubbing,” he answers, preparing coffee. He makes it old school, two spoons of coffee in a cup with half a spoon of sugar and then hot, hot water on top. He stirs carefully clockwise three times, because grandma said it brings luck.
“In a dress,” Dimitri states as he sits down. He left the suitcase in the hall.
“In a dress. I like wearing them. Didn’t mama tell you? Didn’t anyone show you pictures of Martha’s gay son?” he asks, as he sets down a mug in front of Dimitri. His voice is totally calm. He is so done pretending he cares about this shit. Life is short and he learned that when he met William. In comparison to a vampire a human life is, well, freaking short.

ARTIST - rainyrocket
MIXER - inferiarecoming

Title: An Unexpected Turn
Fandom: Original
Type: Slash
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Patrick Malden, Jesse Fitzgerald, Patrick/Jesse (I do have actor choices in mind for the characters :D )
Warnings Strong language, sexual content, some violence
Summary: Patrick Malden has always dreamed of being a cop, and while the life of a security guard isn't the most glamorous, it's putting him one step closer to his goal. Patrolling the warehouses along the Los Angeles docks isn't his dream job either but it keeps food on his table and a roof over his head. Most nights are pretty routine; most nights, that is, until one fateful night in late June when a group of dock workers are unloading a shipment of electronics straight from Japan. Sounds fairly routine, right? Too bad there's something hidden in the cargo hold, something that is -- judging by the hissing -- pissed.

The discovery sets into motion a chain of events that takes Patrick's life into a direction he never could have foreseen.

ARTIST - creepylicious
MIXER - slashxyouxup

Title: Trust None of What You Hear (And Less of What You See)
Fandom: The Covenant/Supernatural/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/xXx/The Last Witchhunter
Type: Slash, Crossover
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Caleb/Dean, Xander/Dean, Caleb/Dean/Xander, Sam/Reid
Warnings Character death, violence, some sexual content.
Summary: John Winchester has no idea that he hasn't been hunting a yellow eyed demon at all - his wife could have told him what he was really hunting, but she never told him that she was a vampire, so how was he supposed to know that she was caught up in the middle of a vampire war?

There are three factions within the vampire world - the undead Brujah, the witch Haxons, and the Nightshades, who feed only on other vampires and are the last thing that stands between the Brujahs and Haxons wiping out the human race. The only problem is, the Nightshades are extinct - or so the other vampires think. It's just a war that some people get caught up in, but for the Winchester family it's about to become a whole lot more complicated - because within the span of a week, John, Dean and Sam each end up a member of different warring factions.

ARTIST - iria4285
MIXER - inferiarecoming

Title: Love Letters From A Dead Man
Fandom: Vampire the Masquerade
Type: slash
Rating: PG 13
Characters/Pairings: Clinton Host/Calvin Bainbridge
Warnings violence, strong language, characters death
Summary: Just because an undead heart can’t beat doesn’t mean that it can’t break.

Carl Dane never thought that about Clinton Host. But when he is handed a box of letters written by Clinton to his lover Calvin Bainbridge, he is forced to reconsider what he thought he knew about the Kindred he claimed as his sire, as well as what he thought he knew about himself and the rest of Clinton’s childer and grandchilder.

Seeking to free himself from the tangled web of lies, he shares the revelations in the letters with one of his enemies, the Cainite sired by his Carl’s own lover. Thorn, as he calls himself has always held a grudge against Carl, and now Carl is beginning to understand why. Acting from a need to form some sort of family, and like any good storyteller, he reads Thorn the letters. Both of them add their own insights to the events chronicled in them. Will this bring them closer together, or drive them further apart?

Note: Because of the characters mostly being original, I do have references for any artist.

ARTIST - xsilverdreamsx
MIXER - xsilverdreamsx

Title: Red Moon Rising
Fandom: Yami no Matsuei
Type: Pre-canon, backstory, het, slash
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Kazutaka Muraki, Oriya Mibu, Saki Shidou, Ukyou Sakuraiji, Yukitaka Muraki
Warnings Graphic sex, non-con involving a minor, violence, gore,
Because he had survived the bombing of Nagasaki, Michitaka Muraki, the son of Yukitaka, had been shunned by any prospective brides, until the day when he and his father had served as the hotel physicians at a mountain lodge one winter, and a mysterious woman with hair as white as the snow was found half frozen in a ditch. Michitaka took her in and soon she gave birth to a delicate-looking son, as pale as she was, whom they named Kazutaka. But by this time, Michitaka's love for her had faded and he had started a second family with a former patient. When she discovered this, seven years later, she determined not to let anything between her and her own son. At that point, Kazutaka's sheltered childhood came to an end, and he suffered at the hands of his own mother as she destroyed things that he loved and even drugged him into immobilization to keep him from escaping. One day in her madness, she left him in cold bathtub; his inner vampiric spirit drew on what little strength he had, to allow him to cry out, attracting the attention of a servant.

After this, Yukitaka took the boy's upbringing into his hands, grooming him to inherit the family legacy. As he matured, Kazutaka found his heart going in directions his father, a convert to Christianity, does not approve of, and there is a hunger within him that seems insatiable. Then his father's mistress passed away suddenly, leaving their son in his care. Michitaka brought that son, Saki Shidou, into the family home, and it was clear which of his sons he favored.But that favored son proved the undoing of the family: Saki poisoned their father and tried to kill Kazutaka's mother, succeeding only in injuring her. Despite what she had done to him, Kazutaka could not bear to see his mother suffer, and so he put her out of her misery. At that moment, the full moon turned red, something that simply shouldn't happen. Saki noticed this, and tried to kill him, only to be shot by a servant defending the rightful heir of the family.

College proved a solace for Kazutaka, though now he lived a double life: a bright and capable student, with a shadow side he did not completely understand, a hunger that seemed fed only by the embrace of a lover. Fortunately, a professor with a good deal of supernatural know-how helped him to understand what he was, and to prepare for what could happen if his darkness was fully awakened. That awakening came on suddenly. Among the first of Kazutaka's patients, was a boy who died in his care. The boy's father blamed Kazutaka for his death, attacking him then leaving him for dead. In that moment between life and death, a fallen angel approached Muraki, saying that he did not have to die, if he gave in to his hunger. With no choice left, Muraki gave in and let the demon merge with his spirit, reviving him. After that, he was no longer the same: when his attacker's wife leveled a wrongful death suit against Muraki, he killed her. But there was a witness, a young boy whom Muraki attacked, then placed a curse on the youth so that his lifeforce continually drained into him from a distance. He might have forgotten the youth, if he didn't spot the boy in the company of a violet-eyed young man whose face he recognized from a moldering file among his grandfather's papers...

ARTIST - sparklycockles
MIXER - ixcacao

Authors - if there is anything wrong with your summary or anything you want changed between now and when claims open please email or PM chosenfire28.

!mod post, !round 2

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