There have been much discussion on my flist today of abortion as a contraceptive method [*] and , by some, how evil and wrong and irresponsible this is given all the vastly superior and effective contraception methods there are out there.
Which brings me to an announement. For the last three weeks I have been engaging in sexual activity without any form of contraception whatsoever. Abortion is my sole and only barrier between me and giving birth at the moment.
Admittedly we've been trying to lessen this risk by avoiding penetrative sex, but this is both non-guarenteed and non-satifying.
This week, I'm (hopefully) having an IUD put in. This is my last real contraceptive option - if it doesn't suit I am honestly looking at either tubes tied or celebacy or the occaisional abortion.
Surely not, i hear. Surely the ways of stopping paracites is many and varied. But alas, so are my disabilies.
1) Any hormonal method is out. I've tried many many varieties of the Pill. All of them did the same -> increased depressed, decreased lubrication, decreased sex-drive. All time-dependant and showing no signs of reaching a plateau, let alone reversing. I am not willing to try the injection, because I would not be able to turn it off. I am not willing to try yet another variety of the Pill without good reason to believe that particular brand would suit me any better.
2) Condoms. (Told with my young man's permission). Condoms do not suit my young man well. Not from a "waah, it feels funny" pov, from a falling off and leaking pov. We have tried numerous brands, including seven or eight thinner ones, and cockrings to solve this. No joy. The condoms have a tendancy to either get stuck inside me as he pulls out, or leak around the bottom. Both these things make them ineffective according to family planning. Taking the MAP two months in a row was not fun (see 1)
3) Femidoms. Made us both laugh hysterically, and not convinced of their safeness from a "leaking" pov . Not to mention expensive and not readily available.
4) Diaphragm. I have thrush. Lots. Badly. Frequently. Painfully. Diaphragm increases the risk of this, and increases the risk of nasty side effects from it. So no. Also, is a skill level to making it work.
5) IUD. Well, apart from I don't think I can continue using my mooncup with it (which will cause my thrush to go up, but hopefully should be managable), this should be okay. By okay I mean, good chance of heavier painful periods, nasty cramps, and increased risk of stds transferring due to the string hanging through, and perforated uterus and so on. But hopefully this will work.
6) His tubes tied. Nope - he is still keen on the idea of babies and not willing to do anything permenent. And that's it as far as male options go.
7) My tubes tied. A possibility, if a very permanent one. Major surgery - more major than an chemical abortion, so not nessisary the most sensible route.
If there is something I missed, PLEASE GODS LET ME KNOW. I am horny, and not looking forward to enforced abstinance/abortions til children til surgery option if the IUD doesn't pan out.
* Although I still do not understand the chain of logic that goes: women are turning to abortion as a method of contraception. This is irresponsible of them. Thus we should stop them having abortions. Because they are clearly going to make great parents (if not for very long)