The Rules Post

Sep 14, 2008 16:56


This post details the rules that are in effect while on board the Valkyrie Express. It is the responsibility of all passengers to read, understand, and follow these rules as they are written. Failure of any passenger to uphold the rules may result in their removal from the train.

Rule #1: Read the Rules!

All passengers MUST know the rules. They were written in order to maintain a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone, after all. Breaking or ignoring these rules can and will hurt the fun of your fellow passengers, so it is a crucial part of the game to read them.

If you are caught in violation of any of these rules, Conductor-san will by NO means accept the "But I didn't know that rule!" excuse. As stated before, it is the responsibility of all players to know the rules of the game.

Rule #2: Be Respectful of Others!

Everyone participating in this game is here because they want to have fun playing their characters. Please respect this by treating your fellow players with kindness and fairness.

The mods do their very best to uphold this rule as well while performing their duties. If you feel that you are being treated unfairly, please don't be afraid to say so. Conductor-san wants everyone to feel welcome!

Rule #3: No Godmodding!

Godmodding is not allowed in this game. It is a selfish act that disrespects the other players and their characters. To godmod is to force the actions of another player's character through your own posts. For example, a post containing the following:

Conductor-san had become fed up with Madarame and his perverted attitude. She took the opportunity to push him through the unlocked door of the moving train. She smirked as he fell and tumbled to his death. "Next stop," she spoke, "Hell."

The post above clearly does not give Madarame's player the ability to react, instead forcing control of him and causing him to do something his player probably did not intend to have him do (in this case, falling off of the train and dying).

Rule #4: Stay in Character!

While you are playing your character, be mindful of what you write. Do your best to stay in character (IC) unless you have something important to explain. If that is the case, make an out-of-character (OOC) note in brackets.

[[ This is what an OOC note typically looks like. ]]

The above is not necessarily the required format for OOC notes, but please make sure to differentiate between your OOC notes and other parts of your character's post, to avoid confusion. For example, descriptive text (also known as "action text") that is written like something out of a chat log is generally not good for this kind of role-playing game.

Staying in character means acting and responding to others as your character would. Get inside their head and know how they think, then use that to write your posts. A huge part of any role-playing game is portraying your character accurately. Don't let your personal feelings seep into your writing and change the way your character acts.

Rule #5: Make IC Posts in Your Character Journal!

In this game, your in-character posts are made in your character's journal. The main community (valkyrieexpress) is for announcements and introductions. If you want to create a log for third-person RP with many other players, you can also post in-character to the logs community (express_logs).

Rule #6: Friend Everyone!

Because IC posts are made in the character journals, you will have to add them to your character journal's friend list in order to see the posts. Remember to add new journals as they are introduced, so that you can interact with everyone!

Rule #7: Maximum of 5 Characters to Start!

For new players, there is a limit of 5 characters. However, you can easily get permission from the mod to apply for more characters once you've been around for a while as an active player (Let's say about two weeks). Please try to apply for characters one at a time, rather than all at once. If you no longer want to play a character, you can drop that character.

However, be dedicated to the characters you apply for. Conductor-san doesn't enjoy seeing new characters enter the game only to be dropped soon after. It's like getting on the train, but then immediately getting off once she checks you in. She gets confused and disappointed.

Rule #8: OC Applications are Allowed!

Currently, "original characters" (OCs) are allowed as passengers. Applications for original characters may be subject to a greater level of scrutiny and should be relatively more detailed.

Players were previously required to have at least one accepted canon character before being allowed to apply with an OC, but due to a number of interests this requirement has been removed. Therefore, newcomers are entirely welcome to apply with an OC as their first character.

Rule #9: Real Life/Transfer Applications are NOT Allowed!

Currently, you may not apply to play as someone from real life. This means that while you are perfectly welcome to play Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean, you will not be given permission to play Johnny Depp. Please stick to playing as fictional characters.

Also note that we would rather you not apply to play a character "as they were in some_other_rpg". Please play characters from their original canons. Of course, you can use a character journal that you used in another RPG previously, just don't play the character as if they jumped from the previous game into this one.

Rule #10: Notify the Mod of Any Problems!

Above all else, the maintainers of this game want everyone to have fun and enjoy the company of other players. If problems with the game or disputes between players arise, please inform the moderator (Conductor-san) immediately so that a solution can be found quickly.

As evidence that you have read these rules, please include the phrase "yellow train" somewhere in your application. Anywhere, really. Conductor-san is interested to see where you place it!

Finally, there are a few encouragements for all players. These are not rules, and as such they won't be enforced in the same way. However, we would very much like for you to keep these things in mind.

Use proper grammar and spelling! We know there will be mistakes from time to time, but please do your best to write properly. Don't use "netspeak" of any kind while writing in character! If you do, it will be more difficult for your fellow players to interact with you.

Play with everyone! Do your best to interact with as many different characters (and players) as you can. Don't just stick with other characters from your character's own fandom!

Participate in the events! Even though they are entirely optional, the community events are sure to be fun for everyone who gives them a chance. Plus, having a good turnout for a mission-based event will increase the chances of that event being a success, which in turn could advance the plot of the game and convince Conductor-san to explain the secrets behind the Valkyrie Express!

Integrate your character journal! Try not to just leave the userinfo of your character journals blank. Post some information about your character (copy/pasting your application is a quick and easy solution) and place a note that the journal is part of the Valkyrie Express RPG (valkyrieexpress). This will make your character journal look better and also help to advertise the game! Of course, if you are applying with a new character, it's best to wait until after you've been accepted to do this.

Please enjoy your trip! Questions and comments regarding these rules can be left in the suggestion box.

rules, announcement

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