Eleven Meme

Nov 20, 2011 17:05

*waves to everyone* Hi, I'm Valia...

Yes, I know I haven't updated in forever---since before the summer ended. *is duly embarrassed* But since I have no excuses besides school (and, you know, even though immense busyness is true, it's rather boring), we're going to pretend I haven't been lurking as long as I have. :D

So, meltintall3 tagged me in her 11 Meme ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

ladyadeone November 29 2011, 08:08:01 UTC
Oh, I had forgotten Gopher! I guess I prefer gophers too, then!


valiantarcher November 29 2011, 23:10:43 UTC
Isn't it funny, the random things you remember? ;)) I was trying to figure out if there was a reason to prefer one over the other, and Gopher just popped out of my memory.


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