Title: Stardust: Time
Author: Valerie Vancollie (valeriev84 [at] hotmail.com)
Characters: Alan, Megan, David, Colby, Charlie, Amita, Larry, Don
Rating: PG
Notes: Please see the
Master List for the complete story notes!
Summary: An ordinary barbeque leads to a discussion about Don's career which causes his family, team and friends to realize
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Comments 16
Really, for a show centred on maths, they're incredibly bad at addition :D
While it is true that we don't know as much about Charlie's timeline, that is more because they haven't given us as much information about Charlie, not because they've given us contradicting information like with Don.
c 2002 Don has affair with Witness Protection Leah woman (cheats on Kim?), teaches Liz at Quantico, and transfers to LA. Boy has a busy year.
The only way to make it work on the the show is to ignore all of Don's women :)
I don't recall an episode where Charlie had to ask the NSA to use their computer. Are you thinking of "Pandora's Box" when he had to ask the FAA for access to their computers?
And if a fan fic can't use fan fic mythology, what good is the stuff? ;-)
As regards your second issue, I entirely agree (notice Colby's comment in the fic?). That will become abundantly clear in the second part of this fic, Temper. In the show, however, Charlie acts like he can know what he wants.
As for the first part, that is not at all clear in the show. Therefore it is a logical conclusion for fan fiction authors to come to. If Cheryl wanted it to be otherwise, then she should have made it clear. As it is, I will stick with what I have written. Also, as the issue will come up a few more times, either deal with it or don't read the fic. It's as simple as that.
Alan's wrong. I mean, given his background as a protester, I can see where he's coming from, but not all secret government missions involve breaking the law.
And the best way to keep a secret is to not let on that there is one. Oh, Charlie? How is it that nobody knew you had top secret clearance until the CDC accidentally called you in to work on Don's case? Hm?
Poor Don. I think the best thing to do now is to run away. (That goes for Colby, David, Megan and Larry, too!)
Thanks for posting the story here! (At Numb3rs_Gen_Het, I mean.)
Alan... well, Alan is Alan. I find that there is a LOT of unresolved tension between him and Don in the show. I wish that they would address it more merely what was done in Protest, as the issue clearly has not been resolved.
As for Charlie, well, it wouldn't be the first time he is a little hypocritical.
Running away sounds like a good idea, but only if you want the situation to get worse than it already is. I'll let you decide what you think Don will do given that the next part is to the word prompt Temper. :)
No problem!
Looking forward to the next bits :-)
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