Title: Danse Macabre
maharetrFandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,640
Notes: Written for the
apocalyptothon. Some spoilers for Torchwood season 2. Prompt was for ‘An On The Beach-style final days’.
Summary: A day in the very ordinary life of Ianto Jones.
Ianto Jones wakes up at 6.30 in the morning without fail. )
Comments 73
The sex is scorching hot, too :D
I also love the conversation with Jack at the end. 'Tis very true, wars and conflicts get a lot of attention while epidemics don't, even when the latter can cause more death. 'S not exciting if there aren't explosions, apparently.
Most of all I love your Ianto; consistently in-character, and an absolute hero in a way that people can only be in a prolonged crisis. The relationship between him and Jack is also very clear and solid, without being expounded upon needlessly.
Great job, I'm adding this to my memories!
Ianto is a hero, of course he is, but I reckon if he gets infected, suddenly Jack will have a stonking great motive for sorting the plague out! (Actually, in thinking about that, I bet Jack would freeze Ianto with their cryo-freezing unit until there was a cure. Hmm... There's a different fic entirely in there, isn't there? Must make a note... :)
Felt so real, as if we were walking alongside Ianto.
I can just hear David Attenborough on the 'mating rituals' of the Torchwood male. "Here he is with his offering of coffee, picking up the deliberately dropped reports, showing off..."
OK, sorry, too much of an imagination!
I'd love to know what happens next and if they ever do find a way to combat it. So... any chance we'll get to find out, or is that up to our own imaginations?
I'm glad you liked the structure, I was a bit unsure that the exposition at the end was a bit clumsy, but the fic was already at 7,000 words and I needed to finish it somewhere! :)
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