Title: The Season Six Job
Characters: Nate Ford, Eliot Spencer, Alec Hardison, Parker, Sophie Deveraux, Patrick Bonnano, OC
Fandom: Leverage
Spoilers: None - takes place before Season 4 finale, they're still in Boston
Warnings: None for now. No network presidents were harmed during the writing of this fic.
Disclaimer: I do not own blah blah blah
Read more... chapter 28 )
Comments 6
I didn't like this one as much as the last- but that's because of Florence and you know that I am not overly fond of her (I can#t help it).
Though I liked her conversation with Knudsen - they tiptoeing around each other was very funny :-)
Thank you - and I completely agree, WIP's are torture. :D
And it's a WIP with weekly updates so I know when I can check in again (like refreshing your journal every 10 minutes on fridays even though I am ahead in time of you (i think..?))
If you would update at unknown intervalls...well that would be real torture!
And yes, that means chapter will be late today :/
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