Fraud, Rape, and Neil Gaiman's Pet Spiders

Jul 01, 2013 16:53

Neil Gaiman is universally adored, right? So maybe discussing my discomfort about one of his works is kind of useless. But I want to talk about this, so I'm okay with talking to the airy vapors.

I'm reading -- well actually, listening on audiobook -- to one of his novels, Anansi Boys. The narrator does great voices. That, honestly, is the main ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

litlover12 July 1 2013, 21:40:04 UTC
This is *exactly* the reaction I would have had, from the original raised hackles to the recognition of rape, so thanks for the warning. Yuck.

Lord forbid that a woman might actually, you know, make a choice not to have sex based on moral values and self-respect, and stick to it. We just can't have that.


valancy_s July 2 2013, 02:13:09 UTC
Thanks for that, I feel better knowing I'm not alone in thinking this is troubling.

Basically, women just need to realize their sexual choices relate directly to men's egos. Everything would be simpler then, right?


litlover12 July 2 2013, 02:40:20 UTC


in_a_tizzy July 4 2013, 20:17:47 UTC
This would bother me immensely and makes me wonder what all my friends who are big Gaiman fans think of this. I'm interested to see how you feel about the book if you finish it.


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