little Harry Potter in a cravat!

Oct 02, 2010 08:04

Apparently Daniel Radcliffe's going to be starring in a Victorian ghost thriller! Hard to get my mind around him playing lead adult roles... but the picture is nifty.

this just in!

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Comments 9

chelseagirl October 2 2010, 12:34:50 UTC
It does look like a potentially very fun movie; it also makes me feel VERY old.

BTW, I tried one of the Julie Anne Long historical romances you recommended -- quite enjoyable. I am very *very* pleased that it doesn't center entirely around a misunderstanding that could easily be cleared up with a simply conversation.


valancy_s October 2 2010, 13:55:32 UTC
That wasn't me, but hey, I'm always happy to hear about good books!


holy crow tinuviellen October 2 2010, 13:34:17 UTC
Is it just me, or from that distance, does DR look like he could be Richard Armitage's son?

It's very, very alarming to see him looking like an adult. (I suspect he'll ruin that impression by opening his mouth, though. Not hating, just saying, it's easier to look older for a photo.)


Re: holy crow valancy_s October 2 2010, 13:53:06 UTC
I THOUGHT THE SAME THING! I ALMOST USED THIS ICON WITH THE POST FOR THAT REASON! (But then decided it would be creepy bcs would seem like I was swooning over Radcakes. No.)

Actually, it made me think... Radcliffe + Armitage as Andre + the Marquis? We should tell Dad.


Re: holy crow tinuviellen October 2 2010, 14:13:03 UTC
Dude. You have to.


myrna_nora October 2 2010, 14:51:08 UTC
I like The Woman in Black story. But I heard they are filming it in 3D which makes me think they are turning into a slasher film instead of the old-fashioned ghost story it should be.


soniag October 2 2010, 15:17:40 UTC
3D?? Egads, that's disheartening. I like the story, too, and that would totally mess with the dreary, Gothic tone. Bleh.

Oh, here's a little blurb from

Finally, since this is a detail we didn’t report at the time, while Woman in Black was announced as a 3D film, the production is not shooting in 3D. Hammer had planned to shoot in 3D, so let’s hope that this doesn’t become a candidate for post-conversion.

Yes, let's hope!


myrna_nora October 2 2010, 17:15:23 UTC
Oh good. 3D is so gimmicky. I think the only time I ever liked it was for the cartoon UP.


litlover12 October 2 2010, 17:01:58 UTC
That's a sequel to "The Woman in White," right? (Kidding.)


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