
Dec 29, 2009 16:30

My mom and I are continuing our sloooooooow crawl through Gilmore Girls (still in season three). As of the last one we watched, Lorelai is in a position of having to choose between Wolf and Charlie Swan.

This brings me much amusement :)

As usual, please no plot-related comments!

gilmore girls

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Comments 12

litlover12 December 30 2009, 00:00:46 UTC
Sounds like great material for a fanfic/parody. :-)


valancy_s December 31 2009, 23:07:19 UTC
Ha! Totally. Lorelai Gilmore deciding who to date - the werewolf, or the vampire's father?

It's only right, I think. After all, her daughter's dithering between a demon hunter and a superhero! :D


tempestsarekind January 4 2010, 05:58:59 UTC
After all, her daughter's dithering between a demon hunter and a superhero!

Hee! I'd never thought about it like that before. Seriously, there should be crossover fic.


thepresidentrix January 6 2010, 04:23:34 UTC
Augh, there totally have been! Heroes phase, don't ask...

But every abortive crossover I ever happened to see was really, really bad and quickly abandoned.


sillyg December 30 2009, 15:59:52 UTC
Omg I totally didn't realize that was Charlie Swan!


valancy_s December 31 2009, 23:07:53 UTC
It totally is! Looking quite young and spindly. He's only in two or three episodes, though.


Jam hands! thepresidentrix January 6 2010, 04:28:14 UTC
My sisters and I happened onto the topic of Gilmore Girls over Christmas, and I was surprised to learn that out of the three of us (four if you count mom), I stuck with the show waaay past its expiration date, as per everyone else. The funny part was that we were all in agreement about our frustrations with the show, but I kept watching regardless, because I found specific things about it so winning. (But even I didn't watch the last season). Luke never fails to amuse me, for one.

That's my favorite thing about the Jess-seasons, too, where you are right now (or were, at the time of this writing), btw. I don't really get Jess and Rory - or I wouldn't *recommend* to a real Rory that she really date someone like Jess - but watching Jess and Luke shout at each other can be priceless.


Re: Jam hands! valancy_s January 8 2010, 23:41:43 UTC
Mom and I finished the 3rd season over break. Based on suggestions from LJ folks, we may do S4 and quit there. But I have been thinking that - IF I ever reach that point! - I may ask for suggestions of only the best Lorelai/Luke episodes to sort of round off their story in my mind. (I really don't care about Rory's love life. Which makes me feel SO OLD!!!)

I totally agree, by the way, that Jess and Luke's interactions are what make Jess worth having around. I love how he brings out Luke's deep yet grumpy paternal instincts. I'm pretty sure, by the way, that Luke is my favorite character. Well, after Lorelai.


Re: Jam hands! thepresidentrix January 9 2010, 00:36:45 UTC
I dunno; if your reasons for being less-than-invested in Rory's love life are anything like mine, then they don't really have all that much to do with her youth - or, at any rate, not with her youth alone. I think I lose touch with Rory, because she isn't asking any interesting questions about whom to love, and because she seems to have so little difficulty (the majority of the time) attracting plenty of guys - both reasons why I don't really identify with her love life, after a point. It's all, 'should I date the rich jerk? or the poor jerk? should I feel guilty if I'd rather date the rich jerk?' Bleh. Rory should become smart enough - at some point - to realize that every one of her boyfriends has had his good qualities, certainly, but not a one of them has been a genuinely thoughtful, good guy, willing to put her needs and feelings first. (Plus, they all tend to be rude to the other important people in Rory's life, and that's not a super boyfriend recommendation, either). The show makes its point that even smart girls like Rory can ( ... )


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