I was up, for a few minutes anyway, early enough to see
jmaynard just as he left on his way to his second appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel live show. I think I was more nervous about his appearance than he was.
That evening I recall being rather tired but not napping, determined to stay up and see if I could spot comet NEAT* since it was in an easy-to-find
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Comments 2
I guess I'd better look this NEAT one up. I hadn't heard of it before. Is it expected to get brighter?
I do have a telescope (an older Meade 5 inch reflector, not the computer controlled type) so I suppose I could go looking for it if we'd just get a clear night.
This might be helpful: http://skyandtelescope.com/observing/objects/comets/article_1229_1.asp
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