Hate Speech. Brill.

Mar 09, 2008 22:03

Have you heard this?

"The homosexual agenda is destroying our nation, okay? It's just a fact. Not everyone's lifestyle is equal. Just like not everyone's religion is equal. [...] I honestly think it's the biggest threat that our nation has. Even more than terrorism and Islam..." - Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern before the Legislature
(sallykern ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

swgmigraines March 10 2008, 02:20:25 UTC
On the one hand, it's appalling and horrifying to hear something so hateful and bigoted from someone who is supposedly educated. On the other, it's so refreshing to actually hear her speaking truthfully--so I know NEVER to support her if I should find myself in Oklahoma.


vain_chan March 10 2008, 02:30:30 UTC
What I found horrifying was (1) people actually support this backwards, misinformed, hate mongering inanity, and (2) she's on the state education committee.


slytherinblack March 10 2008, 03:11:37 UTC
Ugh. [pukes]

There's really not much else to say.


vain_chan March 10 2008, 05:04:40 UTC
=/ Yah. I'm debating on writing a cranky email to her, but I don't know what good it would do. People like that are just plain dense.


slytherinblack March 10 2008, 05:10:07 UTC
they're also not likely to change their minds. You don't live in OK, right? I'd say she's more likely to respond to a constituent, whether or not she actually agrees with them, because they're at least the voting public.


pugsley March 10 2008, 03:15:17 UTC
It is scary and extremely to think that people with such backward ideas and closed minds are running the government!! I really feel for those that live in Oklahoma and are represented by this woman, and I especially feel sorry for this lady's son, if he really is gay..

When people are closed minded we can never get things done. Anything that is different is ostracized, which is so very sad!!

Thank you for sharing this with us!! ^__^


vain_chan March 10 2008, 05:15:25 UTC
Well, the sad thing is that she was probably put there by the same people who are supporting her. =/ Hopefully enough people will contact her to convince her to at least keep her bigotry to herself and not try to impose it on others using the law.


perfica March 10 2008, 07:26:37 UTC
What a stupid bitch.


vain_chan March 10 2008, 22:50:37 UTC
>.> Yah.


spike7451 March 10 2008, 14:38:35 UTC
Um, I'm kinda amazed she's allowed to say things like this in a State Parliament and not be thrown out. Or pilloried in the press. I've never heard of any politician in Australia saying anything even resembling this, the outcry would be enormous. Is homosexuality illegal in the State or something or is she just an ill-educated moron. If it's true and she has a gay son, how the hell does she treat him, I'd hate to think really. Maybe next year you could send her to Oz during MardiGras and we could tie her to a float and the half million or so people who attend the parade could tell her what they think of her! Isn't it compulsory to vote in the U.S.A.? It's just that I've been reading about encouraging people to vote on a lot on Journals. I am curious because voting in Australia in both State and Federal elections is compulsory for anyone over 18.


vain_chan March 10 2008, 23:25:08 UTC
O_o Wow. Um . . . Okay. Yeah, she's a backwards moron, but I think you're mixing a few things up culturally ( ... )


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