Through the Ashes (3/?)

Jun 28, 2009 22:42

Title: Through the Ashes (3/?)
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fandom: merlin, medium: story, * story: through the ashes

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Comments 28

caedesdeo June 28 2009, 21:01:14 UTC
Ooooo, the plot thickens. With added griffin! :D

one little thing:
"Merlin,” Arthur said, slowly, after a moment of silence. “It’s just weather.”
Should this say Merlin, or Martin?


vail_kagami June 28 2009, 21:29:39 UTC
Yay! Someone found the plot! I'd been looking for it. :P

Should this say Merlin, or Martin?
My beta asked the same question.


wldcatsprstr_14 June 28 2009, 22:37:03 UTC
I literally squealed when I read that!! So happy that it's not just an error. I started reading this fic today and I really like it. More please!!


kathyh June 28 2009, 22:40:58 UTC
This is very intriguing. Strange weather and griffins, what could be happening. Looking forward to more :)


vail_kagami June 30 2009, 21:42:00 UTC
Thank you!
Since I'm terribly busy with things, the next chapter probably won't happen before August. I'm sorry.


eosrose June 28 2009, 22:54:49 UTC
Griffin! That's gonna raise some eyebrows!


vail_kagami June 30 2009, 21:42:35 UTC
It surely will!


(The comment has been removed)

vail_kagami June 30 2009, 21:43:30 UTC
Thank you!
I can't update too soon, though. Real life isbeing a bitch, I'm glad if I find time to eat. It'll get better, though.


sleepingfingers June 29 2009, 00:49:54 UTC
Ooh, this is very good. I have a soft spot for incarnated!Arthur, and this fic hits it just right, I think. I like the fact that the mystery/problem is turning up slowly while Merlin and Arthur settles into their relationship.

Looking forward to the next chapter! :)


vail_kagami June 30 2009, 21:45:37 UTC
Thank you!
I chose to let the story develope in its own time instead of racing through the plot, despite having no time whatsoever to deal with multiparters. It still think its better this way.


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