Pendulum (1/?)

Sep 09, 2008 05:39

Rating: PG
Pairing: AU!Master/Doctor (10), Jack/Doctor
Summary: Unannounced strangers in the hub are always a reason to worry - but Jack has no idea just how much.
Note: After postponing it again and a again I finally got around to writing the sequel to Before Sunset. It's the last part in my Losing the Lifeline series. Since I didn't get many ( Read more... )

medium: story, doctor who era: tenth doctor, fandom: doctor who, * story: pendulum, # series: losing the lifeline

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Comments 13

debart September 9 2008, 04:25:18 UTC
"And it's your fault." he said..

Ouch! Poor Jack, he really didn't need to get that. After all, he was only doing what the doctor asked.. but hey, that's the Master for you. Evil and just plain out mean.

I'm so glad you picked the thread of this story back up! Do keep going! This will give me something to look forward to when I get back from my vacation.

Thank you!



vail_kagami September 9 2008, 04:29:20 UTC
Thank you! Have fun on your vacation. Where are you going?

In this case the Master isn't mean for the sake of being mean, but because he's seriously pissed at Jack. He doesn't care if Jack only followed the Doctor's orders.


debart September 9 2008, 13:05:38 UTC
Bob and I are going to London for two days (9/12-13), then on to Prague (9/14-17), then to some tiny village near Amberg - Is that near where you are in school? Our schedule for Germany is not set really, except for the last two days where we will be in Nuremburg. I think Bob wants to go to Munich for an early peek at Oktoberfest.



vail_kagami September 9 2008, 21:46:54 UTC
I've never been to the Oktoberfest myself.
Amberg (I had to go to Google Earth to find it) isn't that close to Tübingen. Still a lot closer, though, than the place where I am at the moment, which is very up north.

Have fun! I hope the weather will be better than it is right now.


evilawyer_fic September 10 2008, 04:03:47 UTC
I am very glad to see you've picked this back up. I enjoyed the first parts immensely but was, I must confess, a shameless lurker about the whole thing. Looking forward to more.


vail_kagami September 10 2008, 21:38:52 UTC
Thanks for de-lurking!
I've re-read the old parts before continuing the story, and was shocked how many mistakes I made and how many typos I overlooked. One of these days I'll have to fix that. Feels like so long since I started this series, but I haven't been a DW fan for two years yet...


evilawyer_fic September 10 2008, 23:22:17 UTC
The mind doesn't talk to the eye when it comes to spotting one's own typos. I'm convinced of it. Whole words can be missing from stuff I write and my mind fills in the gaps. Re: the fanness ---the Internet has changed things. When I first started watching Dr. Who, the conventions were a "new" thing and were usually in places like New Jersey (only one was ever anywhere near me, and I couldn't go because it was finals week at college ---- my one chance to see Tom Baker in person in all of his hung-over, recently-wed glory, and I had to miss it to study for my calculus final!). Nowadays, with the ability to see things and talk to others on the Internet, two years of being a fan makes you a grizzled veteran! Keep on enjoying!


blackletter September 10 2008, 05:09:35 UTC
I'm thrilled to see a sequel! I loved the first two parts (but like the person above, I was a shameless lurker. I was new to the fandom and still shy).


vail_kagami September 10 2008, 21:35:00 UTC
Don't be shy! I've never met an author who only wanted reviews from an established group. (Although, come to think of it, some writers five that impression.)
Anyway, thanks for de-lurking!


anonymous September 10 2008, 12:15:26 UTC
Likewise, I'm delighted that you have picked up this story arc and are writing a sequel. I've been watching and waiting since I read (and loved) "Communication" and "Before Sunset". They must be some of the best DW fics out there!!

But I don't think allows non-regstered readers to leave feedback ....... There must be a lot of people like me.

And I am the true lurker ..... I check back here every few hours looking for the next chapter! Now that is grade A lurking at its finest. Please update soon!


sandssavvy September 12 2008, 20:37:21 UTC
Oh Master you bastardface.

I'm so glad you're updating again. I loved the rest of the series. :)


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