Rating: PG
Prompt: #013 - Tomorrow
Claim: The Time War
HereSpoilers: Time Crash
Characters: The Doctor (5)
Summary: After meeting his older self in Time Crash the Doctor has some time to wonder and worry.
Note: Congratulations, me! I have finally managed to write another story I can't stand at all!
He didn’t want his mind to wander. )
Comments 9
I loved that five was a bit unnerved by ten's behaviour! Great foreshadowing.
"He’d felt like nothing, as if he wasn’t even there."
Since Time Crash, I've liked the idea that Ten's bouncy-hyper act was partly to distract Five, and partly to distract himself from the strain of clamping down on his telepathic barriers, to prevent Five from having any idea of what's coming a few regenerations down the line. I like here that it only sort of worked, that Five still came away with a sense of the darkness in Ten, if that makes any sense.
Anyway, I thought this story was great! Now, Fivey, go and distract yourself with Turlough... :)
And the Doctor owed it to that man to make the most of the time he had before everything went to hell. For one day he might be broken and lonely in cosmos that didn’t feel right, but he would still have his memories of this present, if nothing else.
Perfect description of where Ten was at during Time Crash. Honestly, who can blame him? Great job!
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