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Comments 19

rose_cat January 12 2010, 05:35:00 UTC
Nice! It makes me want to read all your Whoniverse fic again.


vail_kagami January 12 2010, 14:48:13 UTC
Good luck! That list is damn long!


rose_cat January 13 2010, 03:51:50 UTC
Yes, it is! You're very prolific :)


de_len January 12 2010, 19:02:49 UTC
Gives me another excuse to say: I want Ghosts in the Attics!


vail_kagami January 12 2010, 21:28:35 UTC
Working on it this moment.


reixgaara June 12 2012, 16:00:07 UTC
YAY!!!!!! please do! Ghosts was rec to me and i'm pretty sure i read it all the way through. And then was so sad when there wasn't any more. so glad you haven't forgotten about it!


vail_kagami June 27 2012, 22:19:59 UTC
No, I haven't forgotten about it. But it'll be a little hard to get back into writing it, since I have to re-read everything first. Right now, I'm still busy with large, deadline-invested projects, but I plan on taking time to continue all the stories I still have open rigth now as soon as I get the chance, this one included.


floranna August 12 2010, 17:55:28 UTC
I love your Spones fics, but I haven't been able to find fics like you have written in Star Trek fandom. (I.e. where McCoy is the one hurt) Could you please rec me some?


cordelia_gray December 28 2010, 07:45:51 UTC
Hi! I just added you as a friend - I plan to work my way through your SPN and Doctor Who/Torchwood stuff, though it may take me a while :)


vail_kagami December 28 2010, 15:40:23 UTC
Thank you! I'll friend you back, if you don't mind.

Good luck - my Doctor Who/Torchwood list is pretty long.

Glad you like my fics!


cordelia_gray December 28 2010, 18:36:08 UTC

I haven't read nearly enough in this fandom - it's so huge, I hardly know where to start.


cordelia_gray December 28 2010, 20:40:56 UTC
And please do friend back, if you like!


xenegood April 15 2011, 16:14:56 UTC
My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!


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